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Kamala Harris.


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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Yeah that's exactly what I was suggesting. 

But it's bollocks, though.


Any Muslims would have responded to the first message with "Aah, that's nice" at most.  And no Muslims at all would have taken issue with her enjoying a pork chop, because she's not a Muslim. So what's the point in trying to juxtapose the two?

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6 minutes ago, Code said:

Thank for confirming what I thought it was.


Next time I’ll  try to remember to not eat meat the same day as one of my veggie friends celebrate their birthday.


It's not that, I know it's silly but it's all about perception. It's as if buying the Pork reminded her to send the next tweet. I find it trvial, you find it trivial but some may look on it a little strange

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3 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

But it's bollocks, though.


Any Muslims would have responded to the first message with "Aah, that's nice" at most.  And no Muslims at all would have taken issue with her enjoying a pork chop, because she's not a Muslim. So what's the point in trying to juxtapose the two?


I'm glad you're now the voice for all Muslims. I've explained to Code. 

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13 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

But it's bollocks, though.


Any Muslims would have responded to the first message with "Aah, that's nice" at most.  And no Muslims at all would have taken issue with her enjoying a pork chop, because she's not a Muslim. So what's the point in trying to juxtapose the two?


Why would Muslims respond with 'ah that's nice" to Harris buying pork chop? Which seems to have reminded her its Eid. She's ventured in Truss territory of Pork markets. 

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After his remark that California’s Kamala Harris was the “best-looking attorney general in the country” sparked controversy, President Obama apologized for what some deemed to be a sexist comment, and what others argued was a dumb, but harmless, compliment.


The president called Harris to apologize for the comments hours after he made them on Thursday during a San Francisco fundraiser for the Democratic National Committee, according to White House spokesman Jay Carney.


“They are old friends and good friends and he did not want in any way to diminish the attorney general's professional accomplishments and her capabilities,” Carney said Friday at a White House briefing.


At the fundraiser, Obama called out Harris along with several other Democratic leaders in California.


“You have to be careful to, first of all, say she is brilliant and she is dedicated and she is tough, and she is exactly what you’d want in anybody who is administering the law, and making sure that everybody is getting a fair shake,” the president said. “She also happens to be, by far, the best looking attorney general in the country.”


When the crowd started laughing, the president added, “It’s true! C’mon.”


The comments made even typically ardent Obama supporters cringe. Political strategist James Carville, no stranger to making controversial statements, advised Obama to be more cautious.

“Look, I’m a 68-year-old guy and I do notice honestly the way that women look sometimes, but you’ve got to learn to sort of keep your opinions to yourself,” Carville said on MSNBC’s “Jansing & Co.”


Jonathan Chait of New York Magazine said the way women continue to be judged by their looks makes it tough to reach gender equality in the workforce.


“It’s not a compliment. And for a president who has become a cultural model for many of his supporters in so many other ways, the example he’s setting here is disgraceful,” he wrote in an article headlined, "Obama in Need of Gender-Sensitivity Training."

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:



Ive called Harris out before July 5th. As you'd know with a little research. 


As for you're idiotic jibe of her being more intelligent than me, I should hope so as she going for the job of President of the USA. 


You're also one of the Nomarks who makes regular 'look at me' posts about putting me on ignore so you're another bullshiter. 


In short your post is full of holes. You gained yourself a few likes of the forum dregs though so give yourself a pat on the back there. 


Have you called out her laugh prior to Trump over the weekend? And, again, how relevant is it to her ability to govern? 


Gnasher, you're a dribbling imbecile compared to Boris fucking Johnson, never mind Harris, so do yourself a big favour and lay off with the 'thick' insults towards a black woman who's made it in a white man's world. You're really in no place to make them.


And if you'd done a little research, like read what I said to you yesterday, you'd know I've taken you off ignore for now because your mental unravelling appears to the asylum tourist sadist in ne.



28 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


She's hapless. Pork chops, Eid. 


She should've known it'd get picked up on and it did. She like the American version of Nicola Murray. 


Picked up by who, exactly?

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1 hour ago, Bruce Spanner said:

Code meet Gnasher, Gnasher meet Code.


Not gonna lie, been quite excited about this particular meet up for a while.


Have fun, Frode.

Like Data and Commander Hutchinson in Star Trek TNG 'Starship Mine'.

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8 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Why would Muslims respond with 'ah that's nice" to Harris buying pork chop? Which seems to have reminded her its Eid. She's ventured in Truss territory of Pork markets. 

Or maybe it’s just something she has done for years, basically wishing people celebrating it a good day. 





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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:


Go back to sleep Curly. I thoughf you had my on ignore you big fibber. Anyway as you brought up Kamalas love for Ven Diagrams have another one.


This is apparently the one Harris gave to Biden when he was bedridden with Covid.







I’ve taken you off ignore, mate. For what it’s worth I apologise for that gif on the MF and I also apologise for calling you a prick on the Ukraine thread. I don’t understand you a lot of the time and question your motives for your views at times, but I end up clicking to open your posts anyway, so it was a pointless exercise having you on ignore 

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2 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


Have you called out her laugh prior to Trump over the weekend? And, again, how relevant is it to her ability to govern? 


Gnasher, you're a dribbling imbecile compared to Boris fucking Johnson, never mind Harris, so do yourself a big favour and lay off with the 'thick' insults towards a black woman who's made it in a white man's world. You're really in no place to make them.


And if you'd done a little research, like read what I said to you yesterday, you'd know I've taken you off ignore for now because your mental unravelling appears to the asylum tourist sadist in ne.




Picked up by who, exactly?


Slipper my fibby little ignored ignorant moron. 


Let me explain once again to your previous ridiculous posts I'm being generous to give that guff a mention but here you go. Just for you the points you brought up. 


A. I'm not a Russian spy. 


B. I'm obviously not as smart as the leader of the Democrat party. 


C. Harris and her laugh have been called out before. I've provided you with evidence. 


D.  It's come to more prominence this week because...  wait for it....She's likely to go for the big one, the Prez. And when you go for the big one the Prez,  more critical eyes are bestowed on you. You may have noticed it yourself how more people are talking about it. 


Now I'm off out, so check for them reds under your bed. 

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12 minutes ago, Curly said:

I’ve taken you off ignore, mate. For what it’s worth I apologise for that gif on the MF and I also apologise for calling you a prick on the Ukraine thread. I don’t understand you a lot of the time and question your motives for your views at times, but I end up clicking to open your posts anyway, so it was a pointless exercise having you on ignore 


No problem at all Curly. No need to apologise, probably my fault for being irritating. Anyway thanks for the post. I also apologise to you for some of the stupid posts I sent back. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

He's not good at speeches Vance I don't think, Partridge esque.


"Democrats think everything is racist. I had a diet Mountain Dew yesterday - they probably think that's racist."


Couple of claps. 



its like he is a really shit comedian


still at least he doesnt have a weird laugh.

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21 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Slipper my fibby little ignored ignorant moron. 


Let me explain once again to your previous ridiculous posts I'm being generous to give that guff a mention but here you go. Just for you the points you brought up. 


A. I'm not a Russian spy. 


B. I'm obviously not as smart as the leader of the Democrat party. 


C. Harris and her laugh have been called out before. I've provided you with evidence. 


D.  It's come to more prominence this week because...  wait for it....She's likely to go for the big one, the Prez. And when you go for the big one the Prez,  more critical eyes are bestowed on you. You may have noticed it yourself how more people are talking about it. 


Now I'm off out, so check for them reds under your bed. 


Ha, like the Russians would have a goon like you on their books. Nah, I just think you're a fantasist. 


For the last time, have you called her out for her laugh before Trump did, and why is it of importance? Likewise her mentioning pork chops? She's got a whole career record you could go after, if you thought she wasn't up to the job, yet you're parroting cheap jibes that you've read on Twitter. What next, she's got a weird nose?



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4 hours ago, Gnasher said:


I'd hope not as she's going to be the Democrats candidate for the Presidency.

approximately three minutes of basic googling would tell you she’s anything but thick. 

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I’m convinced Gnasher is one of those weird cunts that stands outside businesses on industrial estates with a drone and calls himself an Auditor.


Defo thinks that’s his full time job.

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