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Kamala Harris.


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4 minutes ago, Curly said:

It’s fucking mental the things people will use to point score. That is full-on Tory level as well that one. Plus the posting the venn diagram thing repeatedly. 


Go back to sleep Curly. I thoughf you had my on ignore you big fibber. Anyway as you brought up Kamalas love for Ven Diagrams have another one.


This is apparently the one Harris gave to Biden when he was bedridden with Covid.







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3 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Vance served in the marines in Iraq and went to Yale law school apparently, he's no Trump, dunno if he's been radicalised or is playing to the gallery, or both.


He's an evenagelical Christian, isn't he. And the Ohio governor slated him over Hillbilly Eulogy.

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9 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Massive mistake going against childless people. People don't have kids for any number of reasons - finance, choice, infertility etc. To slate them in the way he's done is a massive own goal.


Shows a massive lack of empathy too, but I suppose that's normal for MAGA weirdos.


He's showing massive potential to become the next big American right wing loon. Crowded field but he's making big inroads every time he opens his mouth. 

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4 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Vance served in the marines in Iraq and went to Yale law school apparently, he's no Trump, dunno if he's been radicalised or is playing to the gallery, or both.


McLaurin told BI that he decided to leak it once Vance accepted Trump's endorsement for the Senate primary in Ohio in April 2022.

"I thought at that moment his reversal was complete, and the hypocrisy of what he had done would be the most apparent," he said.

McLaurin said he wanted to hold Vance accountable for "gross inconsistencies" in his conduct prior to his candidacy, believing it was crucial to do so when he was on the precipice of power.

Reflecting on their time at Yale Law School together, between 2010 and 2013, McLaurin said that he had a "small degree of faith" that Vance might one day be able to steer the Republican Party toward a more moderate path.






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9 minutes ago, Anubis said:


He's an evenagelical Christian, isn't he. And the Ohio governor slated him over Hillbilly Eulogy.


Not sure, he's married to an Indian woman though which should be interesting. 

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27 minutes ago, Gnasher said:



Two different people have picked you up on this now.


I’ll give you a chance to explain your reasoning for posting it in the first place though.


There are not many options are there?





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9 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


Not sure, he's married to an Indian woman though which should be interesting. 


I think Trump has made a mistake in not picking Ramaswamy. He seems a clever fella with the gift of the gab.

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:

He's not good at speeches Vance I don't think, Partridge esque.


"Democrats think everything is racist. I had a diet Mountain Dew yesterday - they probably think that's racist."


Couple of claps. 




Yeah I saw that. He went down like a lead balloon. 

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1 minute ago, Gnasher said:


I think Trump has made a mistake in not picking Ramasmany. He seems a clever fella with the gift of the gab.


The theory is Vance will say the nasty stuff that Donald doesn't want to be be seen coming out of his own mouth.

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Just now, Anubis said:


The theory is Vance will say the nasty stuff that Donald doesn't want to be be seen coming out of his own mouth.


Trump can't stop himself. He said at the Republican conference it'd be the only time he told the tale of the shooting, too painful for him. He then told the full story again at his next rally. 


His speeches go on for hours like Putins. He talks utter nonsense, the first things that enter his head. At his last rally even his flock were leaving before the end. 

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12 minutes ago, Code said:

Two different people have picked you up on this now.


I’ll give you a chance to explain your reasoning for posting it in the first place though.


There are not many options are there?






13 minutes ago, Code said:

Two different people have picked you up on this now.


I’ll give you a chance to explain your reasoning for posting it in the first place though.


There are not many options are there?





She's hapless. Pork chops, Eid. 


She should've known it'd get picked up on and it did. She like the American version of Nicola Murray. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

I never thought about it like that.




That cunt Vance was straight onto the racist dog-whistle, banging on about Harris never expressing "gratitude" for living in America.


(The unspoken bit is that - in the USA, as in Europe - non-white people don't really belong here and they owe us a debt of gratitude for letting them stay.)

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4 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


She's hapless. Pork chops, Eid. 


She should've known it'd get picked up on and it did. She like the American version of Nicola Murray. 

Thank for confirming what I thought it was.


Next time I’ll  try to remember to not eat meat the same day as one of my veggie friends celebrate their birthday.

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1 minute ago, Code said:

Thank for confirming what I thought it was.


Next time I’ll  try to remember to not eat meat the same day as one of my veggie friends celebrate their birthday.

If they are a true friend they'll allow you to eat meat in front of them just to vicariously taste something nice.

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4 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

That cunt Vance was straight onto the racist dog-whistle, banging on about Harris never expressing "gratitude" for living in America.


(The unspoken bit is that - in the USA, as in Europe - non-white people don't really belong here and they owe us a debt of gratitude for letting them stay.)

Yet any white American has immigration in their faily history. 

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38 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

If he becomes too popular Trump will fuck him off. He'd much rather lose than win but have to share the glory.


I believe that was his reason for picking Mike Pence last time. A man he thought too stupid to ever dream of being President. Trump thinks like a Roman Emperor or a Chicago gangster. 

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