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Kamala Harris.


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6 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

So... non-Muslims aren't allowed to wish Muslims Eid Mubarak?  Are non-Christians allowed to wish Christians Happy Christmas?


Yeah that's exactly what I was suggesting. 

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4 minutes ago, Pete said:

Fuck me Gnasher's having a mare these days.  Probably time to "do a Biden" and take a step back.  


How am I having a 'mare?  By suggesting I don't believe Harris is the right candidate to defeat Trump? 

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9 hours ago, Gnasher said:


She's got more than a weird laugh Bitch.


But why does her laugh annoy you so much to have bought it up as a point against her (a politician) probably a dozen times since Sunday afternoon? Should it be a factor in determining whether she can govern? Did you ever mention it, or even ever hear her laugh, until Trump, followed by his incel followers, mentioned it over the weekend?


Whose bidding are you doing here?


8 hours ago, DJLJ said:

Amazing, Gnasher is now also an expert in American Politics. The Eu and UK politics, the war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza, Covid. And all from reading X. And that is just a few of the areas he is an expert in. Amazing!



I've seen him call Harris an idiot, thick, a dud and a half-wit on here in the past day or so. Given her career and academic achievements where the fuck does that put Gnasher on the intelligence scale? 


5 minutes ago, Pete said:

Fuck me Gnasher's having a mare these days.  Probably time to "do a Biden" and take a step back.  


He's always been a rabid maniac but he's been even worse since July 5th for some reason.


And I'm here for it.

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37 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


But why does her laugh annoy you so much to have bought it up as a point against her (a politician) probably a dozen times since Sunday afternoon? Should it be a factor in determining whether she can govern? Did you ever mention it, or even ever hear her laugh, until Trump, followed by his incel followers, mentioned it over the weekend?


Whose bidding are you doing here?




I've seen him call Harris an idiot, thick, a dud and a half-wit on here in the past day or so. Given her career and academic achievements where the fuck does that put Gnasher on the intelligence scale? 



He's always been a rabid maniac but he's been even worse since July 5th for some reason.


And I'm here for it.



Ive called Harris out before July 5th. As you'd know with a little research. 


As for you're idiotic jibe of her being more intelligent than me, I should hope so as she going for the job of President of the USA. 


You're also one of the Nomarks who makes regular 'look at me' posts about putting me on ignore so you're another bullshiter. 


In short your post is full of holes. You gained yourself a few likes of the forum dregs though so give yourself a pat on the back there. 

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:



You didn't need to be a 'expert' to see Biden was unwell, despite what they were telling you. You just needed eyes. 


You don't need to be a expert to know the basics of what's going on in Gaza. You just need humanity. 


Medical issues I generally trust the doctors but if people want to challenge the narrative that's also fine imo. Although I'm not an anti vaxer. Not really that interested. 



Can't be bothered responding to the rest of your post but as for Harris, good luck and have a pork chop.



What is this even supposed to mean?


I hope you are not seriously suggesting she can’t eat pork just because Muslims are celebrating the day, while she wish them happy celebrations and a good feast. 


That would be another level of stupidity. 

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2 minutes ago, Code said:

What is this even supposed to mean?


I hope you are not seriously suggesting she can’t eat pork just because Muslims are celebrating the day, while she wish them happy celebrations and a good feast. 


That would be another level of stupidity. 

Code meet Gnasher, Gnasher meet Code.


Not gonna lie, been quite excited about this particular meet up for a while.


Have fun, Frode.

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6 minutes ago, Code said:

What is this even supposed to mean?


I hope you are not seriously suggesting she can’t eat pork just because Muslims are celebrating the day, while she wish them happy celebrations and a good feast. 


That would be another level of stupidity. 



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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

No matter how many gotcha moments are out there on Twitter, I don't think anyone can argue someone who was a district attorney and won loads of big cases is thick.

“Can I just shock you? Section 31, meet @Gnasher


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7 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


JD Nonce is a whole new level of dumb. Trumps made a howler picking this dolt. 


I don't know much about him but even people who don't like him reckon he's no dummy, wrote a good book apparently.

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9 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


JD Nonce is a whole new level of dumb. Trumps made a howler picking this dolt. 

Massive mistake going against childless people. People don't have kids for any number of reasons - finance, choice, infertility etc. To slate them in the way he's done is a massive own goal.


Shows a massive lack of empathy too, but I suppose that's normal for MAGA weirdos.

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1 hour ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

So... non-Muslims aren't allowed to wish Muslims Eid Mubarak?  Are non-Christians allowed to wish Christians Happy Christmas?

It’s fucking mental the things people will use to point score. That is full-on Tory level as well that one. Plus the posting the venn diagram thing repeatedly. 

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Here's the worlds press questioning the Harris laugh long before 5th July (if you take Slipper seriously then God help you) Sky news and others picked it up. 


Some of the criticism was unfair as she wasn't as some claimed, making light of the Ukrainian refugees. 






Eyebrows were raised when Biden sent her to Poland. God knows what the Eastern Europeans made of her. 





Although her general thoughts on world politics are always educational and enlightening. 






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Vance is playing to his evangelical Christian base. The problem he has is that Trump already has that vote sewn up, so he's looking inward when he should be looking outward.

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5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I don't know much about him but even people who don't like him reckon he's no dummy, wrote a good book apparently.


Hillbilly something or other. I haven't read it and have no intention of reading it. Although I've put it on my shortlist for a Christmas present for AoT. 

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:

Vance served in the marines in Iraq and went to Yale law school apparently, he's no Trump, dunno if he's been radicalised or is playing to the gallery, or both.

Yeah, but has he ever been shot in the ear by a spud gun?

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