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Kamala Harris.


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24 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


She's got more than a weird laugh Bitch.

What about her wiki record that Code posted, Gnash. 

Looks like she’s got a conscience and also… isn’t as thick as Trump…


Edit: Ignore her laugh and how she eats a bacon butty

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2 minutes ago, TheBitch said:

What about her wiki record that Code posted, Gnash. 

Looks like she’s got a conscience and also… isn’t as thick as Trump…


Edit: Ignore her laugh and how she eats a bacon butty


I think this could end badly. Her record is she's never won a primary. Her conscience has to be taken on trust against the background of Gaza. 


I think they've chosen a dud. I think Obama knows it that's why he hasn't endorsed her. She's great asking the questions but falls apart when answering them. 

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As usual the right wingers will be held to a lower standard than anyone else and a man will be cut far more slack than a woman.

For those reasons I don't think Harris will be a good choice. She's so much more capable and decent than Trump, but important stuff like that doesn't matter to far too many people.

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Amazing, Gnasher is now also an expert in American Politics. The Eu and UK politics, the war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza, Covid. And all from reading X. And that is just a few of the areas he is an expert in. Amazing!

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36 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


I think this could end badly. Her record is she's never won a primary. Her conscience has to be taken on trust against the background of Gaza. 


I think they've chosen a dud. I think Obama knows it that's why he hasn't endorsed her. She's great asking the questions but falls apart when answering them. 


Obama hasn't endorsed her because he, like plenty of the party, are concerned because there have been no primaries and she was on the Biden ticket, if there was no race, it looks bad as a potential set up they worked all along to save her having a real primary race. The issue isn't Harris, it's how the process looks to the electorate. 


It's important to note, although it seems to have completely passed you by with your bizarre hate campaign, that the Dems have not chosen anybody yet. There may or not be a race to the DNC to be one the nominated candidate. If there's nobody willing to come forward you will obviously see quickly Obama and any of the leading dem figures who haven't backed her, will. But if there needs to be a race, well I'm sure plenty will keep their powder dry until the candidates are announced. 



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2 hours ago, littletedwest said:

I have no opinion or knowledge of her. But a black woman beating Trump would make his head explode so I'm defo in favour.



There is a joke in there about his head exploding after last week

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3 hours ago, TheBitch said:

Genuine question…


Do you like the voting system? How does it compare to the UK (does that even matter)?

How could it be improved?


On a scale of 1-14 how much does Kamala’s laugh annoy you?


This will be my first time voting in a presidential election. I suppose the main difference is Americans get to vote for the president, regardless of who has the biggest party, as well as their Congressional and Senate representatives.


In theory, I like that system of checks and balances, and the separation of powers between the executive and the legislative. So, if someome like Trump gets in, the power he has is limited if the other party has control of House or Senate or both, he can't just run roughshod.


But, by the same token, the modern hyperpartisanism means in these instances nothing gets done. The president's agenda/mandate is undermined because he can't get through the legislative without majorities for his party elsewhere. In previous eras, it meant the finding of common ground and a solution. Not anymore. The opposition becomes the party of "no"


Overall, though, I think it's better than having a single party in charge and then an opposition who can't do anything but complain, as it's been in Britain for a long time now by big majorities for Labour and Tories in plenty of elections since 1997. 


Hope that helps! For the record, I've always liked Kamala! Thought she'd have been a good choice in 2020, but she biffed the primary.

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6 hours ago, DJLJ said:

Amazing, Gnasher is now also an expert in American Politics. The Eu and UK politics, the war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza, Covid. And all from reading X. And that is just a few of the areas he is an expert in. Amazing!



You didn't need to be a 'expert' to see Biden was unwell, despite what they were telling you. You just needed eyes. 


You don't need to be a expert to know the basics of what's going on in Gaza. You just need humanity. 


Medical issues I generally trust the doctors but if people want to challenge the narrative that's also fine imo. Although I'm not an anti vaxer. Not really that interested. 



Can't be bothered responding to the rest of your post but as for Harris, good luck and have a pork chop.



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Interesting that Gnasher is going on about her laugh given that it's Trump's main attack line on her. "Look at the way she laughs, she's crazy".


I'm shocked at this turn of events.

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1 minute ago, Section_31 said:

Interesting that Gnasher is going on about her laugh given that it's Trump's main attack line on her. "Look at the way she laughs, she's crazy".


I'm shocked at this turn of events.


Rubbish. I can't stand Trump. The Poles cut Harris down for laughing at a press conference over there in the very early days of the  Russian invasion of Ukraine.  Its not new. You're like the Tories who persuaded themselves Liz Truss was the right candidate. 


Harris is the wrong choice, she's not up to it. Bernie Saunders, Newsom, Jill Stein or even Kennedy would have been a better bet to get rid of Trump. 





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9 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I sincerely hope you are right but I tend to believe the US electorate wont vote in a woman even against a massive orange misogynistic bellend. 


Even Republicans already had a woman as a VP running mate, Democrats a woman candidate who won the popular vote, don't think this is a big obstacle anymore.


What she's got going for her, for now, there is no more semi-catatonic Biden whose health is deteriorating quickly, had no chance of lasting to January 2029 and who makes Trump look mentally agile. There is a widespread, very positive feeling Democrats are no longer fighting with one hand tied behind their back.


She is younger and makes Trump look 78. She is a woman, of mixed race, can appeal to floating voters who may not vote or would prefer Trump to Biden. Her job isn't to attract Trump's army of staunch supporters, or people on the other side of the spectrum who would not accept any mainstream Democrat candidate anyway.


It's enough to note that the Trump camp are not happy with this to conclude this at least improves the chances of preventing Trump 2.

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8 hours ago, Gnasher said:


She's going for the job of President not a red coat at Butlins. 

Knowing just about nothing about her motivation for seeking the job or the seriousness with which she would approach the job, I can safely say they are both better than Trump's.

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:



You didn't need to be a 'expert' to see Biden was unwell, despite what they were telling you. You just needed eyes. 


You don't need to be a expert to know the basics of what's going on in Gaza. You just need humanity. 


Medical issues I generally trust the doctors but if people want to challenge the narrative that's also fine imo. Although I'm not an anti vaxer. Not really that interested. 



Can't be bothered responding to the rest of your post but as for Harris, good luck and have a pork chop.



So... non-Muslims aren't allowed to wish Muslims Eid Mubarak?  Are non-Christians allowed to wish Christians Happy Christmas?

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3 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Knowing just about nothing about her motivation for seeking the job or the seriousness with which she would approach the job, I can safely say they are both better than Trump's.


Obviously, no ones disputing that. Jesus. 

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6 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

No matter how many gotcha moments are out there on Twitter, I don't think anyone can argue someone who was a district attorney and won loads of big cases is thick.


I'd hope not as she's going to be the Democrats candidate for the Presidency.

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