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Kamala Harris.


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On 26/07/2024 at 07:15, Red Phoenix said:


I think it'd take someone like Sanders to really change that with Dems, it's probably part of the reason they rigged it against him.

I think Sanders would have beaten Trump like a gong. But we will never know

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1 hour ago, Gnasher said:


Leave sarcastic comment below. 





Heck no - you nailed that one.


Took me by surprise with a blast from the past, clusters - think Biden was still trying to use those up in Russia.

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21 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


Heck no - you nailed that one.


Took me by surprise with a blast from the past, clusters - think Biden was still trying to use those up in Russia.


In Ukraine. And they were very welcome. As all the stuff which went to Israel instead of to Ukraine after October 7 would have been, such as artillery shells. 


On Biden vs. Reagan, I don't see a big argument that Biden wasn't a continuation of the US policies towards Israel (as was indeed Reagan). So Reagan's administration fell out with Israel over bombing nuclear reactor in Iraq and Invading Lebanon. As did Biden administration over elements of ground campaign, civilian casualties and ceasefire now in Gaza. I simply cannot see any of the previous administrations doing things much differently in the current situation.   

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3 hours ago, redinblack said:

I think Sanders would have beaten Trump like a gong. But we will never know


Yeah it could've been interesting seeing how that would've turned out. If he didn't get some type of Corbyn treatment for the crime of having socialist ideas he could've been fine. Maybe that's a big if though with the way things are in the US.

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1 minute ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

I'm not paying to read this, but I'm guessing it doesn't get better.


1.  They're American 

2. They're women 

3. One used to be a lawyer, one played a lawyer 

4. Ooh, I'm stuck now. I can't think of anything else...

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1 hour ago, VladimirIlyich said:

This obviously makes them almost identical!

Mrs O'T read the article. They do actually have an uncanny amount in common.

- They've both been on chat shows.

- They both prefer Obama to Trump

- They've both made statements about your past having some influence on your present (although Markle's comments have been more akin to Take That's Never Forget than Harris's suggestion that you shouldn't be held back by your past)


There's also some innuendo, bullshit and rumour that Tominey has decided to apply to both women.


So, yeah, Sisters.

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7 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Mrs O'T read the article. They do actually have an uncanny amount in common.

- They've both been on chat shows.

- They both prefer Obama to Trump

- They've both made statements about your past having some influence on your present (although Markle's comments have been more akin to Take That's Never Forget than Harris's suggestion that you shouldn't be held back by your past)


There's also some innuendo, bullshit and rumour that Tominey has decided to apply to both women.


So, yeah, Sisters.

It took me ages to remember who that Markle bird reminded me of and I finally realised it was that Hilary character from 'Fresh Prince of Bel Air.'

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On 28/07/2024 at 20:03, AngryOfTuebrook said:

1.  They're American 

2. They're women 

3. One used to be a lawyer, one played a lawyer 

4. Ooh, I'm stuck now. I can't think of anything else...

5. Camilla Tominey is a horrible cunt?

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1 hour ago, sir roger said:

I am sure Howie will put me straight, but after a quick read up on Tim Walz, he doesn't seem a bad choice. 

He does seem to be a good egg, very affable. Watching his introduction in Pennsylvania earlier I couldn't help thinking some of his mannerisms were pure Frank Drebin the way he was playing to the crowd. That I think was his obvious delight at being selected as running mate though.


He seems to have a sharp mind and spoke well. His achievements as Governor are nothing to be sniffed at either.

He said he's looking forward to debating Vance. That might be entertaining.


Harris Walz or Trump Vance. I know which ticket I prefer and it ain't the latter.




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7 hours ago, Harry's Lad said:

He does seem to be a good egg, very affable. Watching his introduction in Pennsylvania earlier I couldn't help thinking some of his mannerisms were pure Frank Drebin the way he was playing to the crowd. That I think was his obvious delight at being selected as running mate though.


He seems to have a sharp mind and spoke well. His achievements as Governor are nothing to be sniffed at either.

He said he's looking forward to debating Vance. That might be entertaining.


Harris Walz or Trump Vance. I know which ticket I prefer and it ain't the latter.




He's the DEI hire, isn't he: the main criteria for running mate were always (1) white and (2) man.  Coming from a "flyover" state helps, too.

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