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Kamala Harris.


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42 minutes ago, Gnasher said:

Yeah unfortunately I think you'll be proved right on her foreign policy not differing much from Biden. Its the hope that kills you. 


I think it'd take someone like Sanders to really change that with Dems, it's probably part of the reason they rigged it against him.

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Harris’s backers say that she is more likely to engage in public criticism of Netanyahu than Biden and to focus attention on the civilian toll among Palestinians from the war in Gaza – even if she would maintain US military aid and other support for Israel that has been a mainstay of Biden’s foreign policy.

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Israel, like any other country has the right to defend itself and there is nothing wrong with American support in that. 


Everything Harris said in that press conference was a direct contradiction of what Netanyahu said the day previously. That man lies so easily. Supporting Israel and been made look a mug is a balancing act she's going to need go address. 

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On 26/07/2024 at 10:37, SasaS said:

Or which has been a mainstay of The US foreign policy over the past 60-odd years Biden only continued?


Even Ronald Regan brought the Israelis to heel and stopped the sale of arms at one point. 

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24 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Even Ronald Regan brought the Israelis to heel and stopped the sale of arms at one point. 


Yeah, if it weren't for Biden, none of this would have happened.

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12 minutes ago, SasaS said:


Yeah, if it weren't for Biden, none of this would have happened.


Not the point you made though was it? Biden didn't halt arms sales. Ronald Regan did, plus Regan was a far right Republican. 





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6 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Not the point you made though was it? Biden didn't halt arms sales. Ronald Regan did, plus Regan was a far right Republican. 






It's Reagan. Didn't know you were a fan. Feel free to expand on Ronald Reagan, Israel and the Middle East 1981-1988 vs. Joe Biden 2021-2024. 

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26 minutes ago, SasaS said:


It's Reagan. Didn't know you were a fan. Feel free to expand on Ronald Reagan, Israel and the Middle East 1981-1988 vs. Joe Biden 2021-2024. 


Where did I say I was a fan? Don't put words in my mouth. 


This is how much of a fan of his I am.






Biden has been criticised for continuing the sale of arms to Israel. You said this was just a continuation of American foreign policy. Your statement was a little loose with ths truth. Ronald Reagan at one time did indeed stop selling arms to Israel.



You either didn't know or you were bullshiting with your original post. If you didn't know you can Wikipedia it. 

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6 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Where did I say I was a fan? Don't put words in my mouth. 


This is how much of a fan of his I am.






Biden has been criticised for continuing the sale of arms to Israel. You said this was just a continuation of American foreign policy. Your statement was a little loose with ths truth. Ronald Reagan at one time did indeed stop selling arms to Israel.



You either didn't know or you were bullshiting with your original post. If you didn't know you can Wikipedia it. 


I don't remember / know enough about Reagan on Middle East and Israel, that's why I said, please expand because you seem to do.


What Biden did was what the US did for the past 60-odd years was what I said. I would be very surprised if any American president stopped supporting and supplying Israel as their main regional ally, where they keep huge ammunition stocks and where they have already invested huge amounts of money over the years, in a situation they were in after the massive Hamas terrorist attack.

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2 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

Just got past the part where Thatcher helped him bomb Libya - now onto the hostages and Iran/Contra.

Will report back.


Chased out of Lebanon by Hezbollah.

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Reagan did it over the Lebanon, not Gaza/Palestine. Whilst he definitively gave them a slap on the wrist, he was absolutely pro Israel and ran arms through that country in the Iran Contra thingy.

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8 minutes ago, SasaS said:


I don't remember / know enough about Reagan on Middle East and Israel, that's why I said, please expand because you seem to do.


What Biden did was what the US did for the past 60-odd years was what I said. I would be very surprised if any American president stopped supporting and supplying Israel as their main regional ally, where they keep huge ammunition stocks and where they have already invested huge amounts of money over the years, in a situation they were in after the massive Hamas terrorist attack.


If you didn't know enough about the cowboy and the middle east then as when I asked Howie about a possible VP runner the other day and you jumped in to advise me to Wikipedia it I'd suggest you should have did the same. I've taught you enough to prove your original post false.



I'm off out, if you need to know more I suggest you take your own advice. 

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2 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


If you didn't know enough about the cowboy and the middle east then as when I asked Howie about a possible VP runner the other day and you jumped in to advise me to Wikipedia it I'd suggest you should have did the same. I've taught you enough to prove your original post false.



I'm off out, if you need to know more I suggest you take your own advice. 


So in other words, you just saw the line "Reagan did it" somewhere and used it here and now you are off.

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15 minutes ago, SasaS said:


So in other words, you just saw the line "Reagan did it" somewhere and used it here and now you are off.


What the fuck are talking about you pompous prat? You made a bullshit post which was plainly false and iv'e been pulled you up on it with the truth. 


Anyone with a passing intrest in foreign affairs would know your post wasn't true and arms sales to Israel have been suspended before (I didn't need to look anything up, it's you who needed the research before you posted your original post. I'm not talking about the merits of Reagan, I've made my position on the B Movie cowboy clear. 


Anyway you've been corrected so you should show some contrition. If that's above you try not to pull the wool over peoples eyes so readily next time. As I said I'm off out, I haven't the time to waste, anyway your mates have just arrived to help you paint your whitewash. 



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1 minute ago, Gnasher said:


What the fuck are talking about? You made a bullshit post which was plainly false and iv'e been pulled you up with the truth. 


Anyone with a passing intrest in foreign affairs would know your post wasn't true and sales have been suspended before (I didn't to look anything up, it's you who needed the research before you posted). 


Anyway you've been corrected so you should show some contrition. If that's above you try not to pull the wool over peoples eyes so readily next time. As I said I'm off out, I haven't the time to waste. 





You really are hilarious. Don't ever change. 

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If being pedantic (you need a bit of that) Reagan never stopped - sales were paused. In the exact same way that Biden just paused sales - vastly different reasons for that but whatevz.

Think Obama did, Bush Sr as well.

Contracts on sales to Israel have never stopped POTUS does not control those - they got the stuff Reagan held up after a couple months.

Bush Sr refused some cold cash for awhile too. Hard ball that fella was.

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2 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

If being pedantic (you need a bit of that) Reagan never stopped - sales were paused. In the exact same way that Biden just paused sales - vastly different reasons for that but whatevz.

Think Obama did, Bush Sr as well.

Contracts on sales to Israel have never stopped POTUS does not control those - they got the stuff Reagan held up after a couple months.

Bush Sr refused some cold cash for awhile too. Hard ball that fella was.

Likely for optics maybe? Reagan was also prime Cold War era and almost every decision made had some kind of USSR message involved.

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3 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

If being pedantic (you need a bit of that) Reagan never stopped - sales were paused. In the exact same way that Biden just paused sales - vastly different reasons for that but whatevz.

Think Obama did, Bush Sr as well.

Contracts on sales to Israel have never stopped POTUS does not control those - they got the stuff Reagan held up after a couple months.

Bush Sr refused some cold cash for awhile too. Hard ball that fella was.


Not true. Although Reagan did pause some weapons such as F16 fighter jets he also banned the sale of such weapons as cluster bombs to Israel for 6 years from1982. He also refused to veto many Israeli UN resolutions. 


This is from one of Reagans henchmen a few years ago. I can only imagine what he thinks of Bidens cowardice these past 6 months. The world doesn't need a history lesson on how bad Reagan was. The fact he was more worldly wise to Israel than Biden and Bidens supporters say more about them than what we don't know about Reagan. For Biden to be compered to him is bad enough, to be compered unfavourably is a sign of his standing. He's not only seen the near destruction of Gaza he's also tarnished Americas standing throughout most of the world.








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