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Kamala Harris.


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4 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Will it tell me why the Bannana thinks someone with a crooked nose would be a hell of a u turn for me? 


Thanks for your input though. It was invaluable. 


I think Howie was alluding to the fact that Shapiro is more pro-Israel than Biden and a major force in some of the College heads being removed for anti-semitism. I do think he was a little bit naughty how he framed his response though.

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5 minutes ago, sir roger said:


I think Howie was alluding to the fact that Shapiro is more pro-Israel than Biden and a major force in some of the College heads being removed for anti-semitism. I do think he was a little bit naughty how he framed his response though.


Which is featured very prominently in the Wikipedia article, funnily enough. But then this is Gnasher to a 'T'- why spend a few minutes looking at the background to something when you can just base your opinion on a Tweet.

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12 minutes ago, sir roger said:


I think Howie was alluding to the fact that Shapiro is more pro-Israel than Biden and a major force in some of the College heads being removed for anti-semitism. I do think he was a little bit naughty how he framed his response though.


Yeah I knew that. I've read up on Shapiro and you're right. It would have been nice if he'd have answered my question in good faith instead of talking in riddles and leaving open the door that I might be against him because he's a Jew with a crooked nose and I'm an anti semite. Which was my point. His glib responses were uncalled for but there you go I'll leave it there. 

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7 minutes ago, Mudface said:


Which is featured very prominently in the Wikipedia article, funnily enough. But then this is Gnasher to a 'T'- why spend a few minutes looking at the background to something when you can just base your opinion on a Tweet.


Here comes Mugface. Pretends he's got me on ignore and always totally  missing the point. 


As for twitter their is a full on discussion going on in the police thread over a tweet. Not that Mud and his ignore button would have seen it. 

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14 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Yeah I knew that. I've read up on Shapiro and you're right. 


No you didn't - it's why you asked.

As for the glib response - if you had known it you would have been screeching it from the rooftops.

You lumped him in w Sanders and Stein ffs

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:

It's got to be the astronaut for VP, if only for the optics, not even republicans can Diss an astronaut.


"Oooh the space man, they call them space men, did you know that? Because they go to space."

Haha you can imagine him on one of his ramblings saying “You know they say we can trust NASA, I know NASA more than anyone and let me tell you, the moon landings were fake I know this. It was a Hoax. Now they bring in this guy who knows it’s a hoax I don’t know I’m just saying” then starting a shuffle or something 

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6 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


No you didn't - it's why you asked.

As for the glib response - if you had known it you would have been screeching it from the rooftops.

You lumped him in w Sanders and Stein ffs


You're just a sly and smarmy cunt who instead of giving a straight answer used the term 'check his name' and 'crooked nose' to leave open the door of me being an anti semite. 

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5 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:

Haha you can imagine him on one of his ramblings saying “You know they say we can trust NASA, I know NASA more than anyone and let me tell you, the moon landings were fake I know this. It was a Hoax. Now they bring in this guy who knows it’s a hoax I don’t know I’m just saying” then starting a shuffle or something 


Trump had access to the files for four year, if he knew, we'd all have know.


There isn't a cat in hells chance he'd be able to keep his trap shut.


It's why I'm now convinced that aliens haven't had contact, there are no pyramids on Mars and that Luxembourg doesn't actually exist.

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2 minutes ago, Bruce Spanner said:


Trump had access to the files for four year, if he knew, we'd all have know.


There isn't a cat in hells chance he'd be able to keep his trap shut.


It's why I'm now convinced that aliens haven't had contact, there are no pyramids on Mars and that Luxembourg doesn't actually exist.


Haha. Although I’m glad Luxembourg does exist. Nicest seafood restaurant I’ve ever been to was in Luxembourg. 

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8 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


You're just a sly and smarmy cunt who instead of giving a straight answer used the term 'check his name' and 'crooked nose' to leave open the door of me being an anti semite. 

You say that like it's a bad thing.

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1 hour ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:


I know it's not right, but I'm weirdly excited to hear how Trump insults him. Nailed on he'll be calling him "Little space boy" and intimating only gays fly rockets.




"You know why they called him Armstrong? Too much jerking off. Develops big biceps, huge biceps, some of the biggest ever."

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9 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

If it was casual use then that would make sense - that use of the nose had a point.


Indeed. You could've just answered the question but you chose to show yourself as a cunt. 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:

It's got to be the astronaut for VP, if only for the optics, not even republicans can Diss an astronaut.


"Oooh the space man, they call them space men, did you know that? Because they go to space."


One caveat: Bald.

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On 24/07/2024 at 10:38, Jack the Sipper said:

I'm not demeaning the 'content on Twitter' either. I'm talking about the, often, alt-right and Trump-supporting sources that you and RP in particular use to promote your own arguments on here.


I don't tend to care that much if I think the tweets contain facts and I'm not linking them regularly, I never go looking for alt right/Trump supporting sources though. There's plenty of left wing people that aren't into Harris too. Her speaking at AIPAC and previous support for Israel is one thing that's brought up, another is her past as California's AG where she was known as the "top cop". There's an article on some of it here :


How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up


This is stuff that will cost her some votes I guess and could be brought up to attack her during the election even though it was glossed over in the past. I'm not interested in posting regularly/arguing in this thread though, they're just two things I noticed and I don't think she'll be that different from Biden if she wins (which is maybe why he chose her as VP in the first place.)

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1 hour ago, Red Phoenix said:


I don't tend to care that much if I think the tweets contain facts and I'm not linking them regularly, I never go looking for alt right/Trump supporting sources though. There's plenty of left wing people that aren't into Harris too. Her speaking at AIPAC and previous support for Israel is one thing that's brought up, another is her past as California's AG where she was known as the "top cop". There's an article on some of it here :


How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up


This is stuff that will cost her some votes I guess and could be brought up to attack her during the election even though it was glossed over in the past. I'm not interested in posting regularly/arguing in this thread though, they're just two things I noticed and I don't think she'll be that different from Biden if she wins (which is maybe why he chose her as VP in the first place.)


Yeah unfortunately I think you'll be proved right on her foreign policy not differing much from Biden. Its the hope that kills you. 

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