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Kamala Harris.


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I think you've got to write off the core Trump voters now, there's nothing he - or anyone else - could do or say to stop them voting for him. If he gave the defence codes to the Russians they'd say he was being smart. 

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5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

I think you've got to write off the core Trump voters now, there's nothing he - or anyone else - could do or say to stop them voting for him. If he gave the defence codes to the Russians they'd say he was being smart. 

He could execute on of their kids on the lawn and they’d make excuses for him. It’s a cult that’s unfortunately huge and full of genuinely unhinged weirdos. 

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15 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

He could sacrifice Gnashers whole family and Gnasher would blame Harris because she ate a pork steak and laughs a bit funny.


Keep my name out of your mouth you fucking idiot. Better still learn to use the ignore button. Stop derailing the thread.

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21 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


Keep my name out of your mouth you fucking idiot. Better still learn to use the ignore button. Stop derailing the thread.

Fuck you, you tit head. You are fucking aids, you big cunt.

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32 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

He will invite you to the Lions Den gym in Pontyclun and apparently he does violence for a living, the sweaty cunt.







You still derailing the thread. I used to help run a firm that a looked after a few of the doors in Cardiff. So? I used to do events and club nights as well. My mate who runs that gym now runs all the doors in the city centre. As well as other things. Come down. Just dont repeat your nonsense of sending me weird private messages with your telephone number again. 

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5 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


You still derailing the thread. You'll be sending me weird private messages with your telephone number again soon you fucking idiot. 

Hahaha, but you do violence for a living. You gave me war and peace the next day and apologised, you sack of shite. 

You’re a cunt. Your words, not mine hahaha

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7 minutes ago, Fugitive said:

Hahaha, but you do violence for a living. You gave me war and peace the next day and apologised, you sack of shite. 

You’re a cunt. Your words, not mine hahaha


I apologised for calling you racist you little twerp. Now stop making a cunt of yourself.

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3 minutes ago, Gnasher said:


I apologised for calling you racist you little twerp. Now stop making a cunt of yourself.

You’re a fucking disgrace. You called me a racist and then came grovelling. You lied, you fucking gimp.

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2 hours ago, Gnasher said:


Keep my name out of your mouth you fucking idiot. Better still learn to use the ignore button. Stop derailing the thread.



Your actual name is Gnasher?

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5 hours ago, Lee909 said:



Sorry should've commented instead of posting the tweet on its own earlier. In case anyone has got the wrong idea I posted it because I was laughing so much at it. The guy is saying he can't tell if it's pro or anti Harris meaning that even though it looks so over the top right wing Dems are looking at it thinking maybe this wouldn't be so bad? As in trolling right wingers that made and spread the image and Harris turning commie with Trump + others there ending up in prison.


I didn't even notice the bunch of skulls right at the front until after posting either, was too busy laughing at Harris with the communist symbol + Trump and others at the front and only noticed them later on (it was close to 3am and I was tired.) Like someone said in the replies : "it's the perfect ambimeme: it's pro-harris if you're pro-harris and it's anti-harris if you're anti-harris."

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