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Kamala Harris.


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Taking a step back and watching someone trying to debate with Gnasher is like watching one of those gun camera videos of an F-14 trying to engage a UFO. They follow it for about 15 minutes then it suddenly stops mid flight and shoots straight up in the air at mach 10 and disappears, and all you can here is the pilot saying "Dude what the fuck, someone better call the Pentagon."

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24 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

Taking a step back and watching someone trying to debate with Gnasher is like watching one of those gun camera videos of an F-14 trying to engage a UFO. They follow it for about 15 minutes then it suddenly stops mid flight and shoots straight up in the air at mach 10 and disappears, and all you can here is the pilot saying "Dude what the fuck, someone better call the Pentagon."



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1 minute ago, Gnasher said:

Back on subject. Harris has got her first big call right in choosing not to attend Netanyahu's speech today. 

She could have attended it with an AR-15 to be fair 

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I since sung ‘it’s slowly dawning that my wife is hilarious’ to the tune of ‘this is the drawing of the age of Aquarius’ when she was sarcastic to me. The problem is that she’s sarcastic so often it’s on a continuous loop in my head now. 

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14 hours ago, Gnasher said:


I posted a you tube link of Harris in Warsaw. Hardly irrelevant. Biden announced he's standing down on twitter. His dog Champ announced it before the BBC.


To keep trying to downgade the content on Twitter is as ridiculous as questioning the Royal Mail because within your letters you've got spam offering you cheap Windows and half price deals at the local curry house.  It's an easy cop out to avoid facing up to the content. 


Again. Not Twitter.





I blame YouTube. 



So, you can't answer those simple questions three times in the asking. I think I've got my answer.


I'm not demeaning the 'content on Twitter' either. I'm talking about the, often, alt-right and Trump-supporting sources that you and RP in particular use to promote your own arguments on here. 


Never mind Harris, do you realise how fucking dumb you sound on here, criticising her for her laugh, her tweeting about pork chops, and calling her, someone with a PhD and having reached a position in life (against all the odds as a black woman) that you couldn't even comprehend, a half-wit?


You bear all the hallmarks of someone who spends far too much time on social media and chat forums. You've got no perspective. Get out and get some fresh air, and look at something other than the screen on your phone. 

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3 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:



So, you can't answer those simple questions three times in the asking. I think I've got my answer.


I'm not demeaning the 'content on Twitter' either. I'm talking about the, often, Trump-supporting sources that you and RP in particular use to promote your own arguments on here. 


Never mind Harris, do you realise how fucking dumb you sound on here, criticising her for her laugh, her tweeting about pork chops, and calling her, someone with a PhD and having reached a position in life (against all the odds as a black woman) that you couldn't even comprehend, a half-wit?


You bear all the hallmarks of someone who spends far too much time on social media and chat forums. You've got no perspective. Get out and get some fresh air, and look at something other than the screen on your phone. 


Er rightio.

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2 minutes ago, Mudface said:


A meme that can destroy your mind. I'm off to listen to 'Barbie Girl' and 'Agadoo' to cleanse my brain.


Hahaha. Might put Wonderwall on repeat 

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19 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:



So, you can't answer those simple questions three times in the asking. I think I've got my answer.


I'm not demeaning the 'content on Twitter' either. I'm talking about the, often, alt-right and Trump-supporting sources that you and RP in particular use to promote your own arguments on here. 


Never mind Harris, do you realise how fucking dumb you sound on here, criticising her for her laugh, her tweeting about pork chops, and calling her, someone with a PhD and having reached a position in life (against all the odds as a black woman) that you couldn't even comprehend, a half-wit?


You bear all the hallmarks of someone who spends far too much time on social media and chat forums. You've got no perspective. Get out and get some fresh air, and look at something other than the screen on your phone. 


Off topic but it really annoys me when people say 'dumb' instead of 'stupid'.


Another fucking Americanism.


Dumb means people can't speak.

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14 minutes ago, Mook said:


Off topic but it really annoys me when people say 'dumb' instead of 'stupid'.


Another fucking Americanism.


Dumb means people can't speak.


Forgive me, Mook, I was just throwing Gnasher's own words back at him:



What do you make of 'fantabidozzy'?

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26 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


Forgive me, Mook, I was just throwing Gnasher's own words back at him:



What do you make of 'fantabidozzy'?


I always thought it was fandabidozzy. Mind, blown.

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5 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


I always thought it was fandabidozzy. Mind, blown.

And I always thought it was Fandabbadozy!!!  Mind even more blown.  

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47 minutes ago, Jack the Sipper said:


Forgive me, Mook, I was just throwing Gnasher's own words back at him:



What do you make of 'fantabidozzy'?


Is it not fan-dabby-dozi?


My kids call things 'dumb' all the time & it does my nut in. 

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I would honestly watch a series that followed Truss around in her day-to-day life. If this is what she's like in public, can you imagine how many stupid things she says in private? Armando Iannucci couldn't script her.


She's the human equivalent of a fly bouncing against an open window.

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14 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

I would honestly watch a series that followed Truss around in her day-to-day life. If this is what she's like in public, can you imagine how many stupid things she says in private? Armando Iannucci couldn't script her.


She's the human equivalent of a fly bouncing against an open window.


I'd like to see her try and accomplish some relatively simple tasks. It'd be like the crystal maze but would involve things like using a revolving door, or asking a Big Issue seller where the nearest toilets were. 

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15 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

I would honestly watch a series that followed Truss around in her day-to-day life. If this is what she's like in public, can you imagine how many stupid things she says in private? Armando Iannucci couldn't script her.


She's the human equivalent of a fly bouncing against an open window.

At least that's funny at times.

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