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Other Football 2024/25

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Andrew isn’t happy, mates.





Postecoglou out; that was final straw

Sorry to come over a bit TalkSport but f**k off Ange. Seriously. You self-serving, duplicitous Mourinho-lite toerag.

I’ll tell you what’s unacceptable. Renewing a guy’s loan when he’d done nothing to justify that renewal.

Continually playing him when he’s rubbish. To the point where his team mates won’t pass to him.

Then call him out when his confidence is on the floor and he has a stinker.

Any armchair manager could have seen Werner wasn’t going to work last night. You’re paid 5m a year to find a solution. That’s 133 times more than the average person in the UK. It’s an extraordinary number for someone who’s meant to be extraordinary. Not moany, stubborn and one dimensional.

Unacceptable is not trying. Unacceptable isn’t being rubbish. Nobody goes out there and tries to be rubbish. All because you can’t find a different way of playing that might allow you to make use of some of the younger players in the squad.

Enough now. Bugger off.


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1 hour ago, Anubis said:

Andrew isn’t happy, mates.





Postecoglou out; that was final straw

Sorry to come over a bit TalkSport but f**k off Ange. Seriously. You self-serving, duplicitous Mourinho-lite toerag.

I’ll tell you what’s unacceptable. Renewing a guy’s loan when he’d done nothing to justify that renewal.

Continually playing him when he’s rubbish. To the point where his team mates won’t pass to him.

Then call him out when his confidence is on the floor and he has a stinker.

Any armchair manager could have seen Werner wasn’t going to work last night. You’re paid 5m a year to find a solution. That’s 133 times more than the average person in the UK. It’s an extraordinary number for someone who’s meant to be extraordinary. Not moany, stubborn and one dimensional.

Unacceptable is not trying. Unacceptable isn’t being rubbish. Nobody goes out there and tries to be rubbish. All because you can’t find a different way of playing that might allow you to make use of some of the younger players in the squad.

Enough now. Bugger off.


Hopefully Southampton and the League Cup semi v the mancs make the home support poisonous towards him on the 22nd…

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19 hours ago, chrisbonnie said:


Just count your blessings klopp didn't get his way on that one either. 

But that's a 'sliding doors' moment. Had he signed for us, with World-class, Klopp, as his manager, who knows how good he may have been for us. He could well have continued his great scoring form as he had in Germany, and we could have been lauding another great signing. 


Instead, he went from a very stable and comfortable environment at Leipzig, to a shitshow at Chelsea, with an absolute clueless clown of a manager in Lampard. As has been said before, judging a player by how they performed at Chelsea is pretty useless. Look at Mo, and de Bruyne as the two standout examples of that.


And now, the lad is ruined. As if it wasn't enough, he's going through the wringer at Spurs, getting called out by another under pressure manager, resorting throwing his players under the bus, when he's (Werner) shorn of all confidence.


At the end of the day, when you make your bed, you have to lie in it, and he's made some bad decisions, But it could have all been so different. Or not. We'll just never know.



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Just now, an tha said:

Fuck me VAR is shite.


Goal at notts forest here and it has taken an  absolute age for VAR to look at it and eventually decide it was offside.


Utterly ridiculous the whole way it is worked.

And it looks a like a goal every day of the week. Forest voted against Wolves in the summer so fuck them.

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