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Other Football 2024/25

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2 minutes ago, Lee909 said:



Going on like this is some famous victory. Scraping past a team in 2nd place in the Czech league. 

Aw let them have it. It’s wrong to mock the unfortunate at this time of year. I was singing along to the Cantona song in solidarity with the afflicted.

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1 hour ago, Mook said:

I saw some manc cunt on Facebook last week saying Onana (What's my name?) had been the best keeper in the league this season.


By Christ, that has come back to bite him on the arse.


He sort of has by default, mainly because he's been less shit than last season and the normal contenders have either been injured or out of form.

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Mange Fraudapoglu throwing Werner under the team bus.


Postecoglou on Timo Werner: "He wasn't playing anywhere near the levels he can. When you've got 18-year-olds, it's not acceptable to me. I told him that. He's a senior international, a German international.”


"In the moment we're in now, I need everyone to be at least going out there and giving the best they can. What he produced wasn't acceptable. When I'm asking the younger players to do massive jobs, I expect more from the senior players like him."

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14 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Mange Fraudapoglu throwing Werner under the team bus.


Postecoglou on Timo Werner: "He wasn't playing anywhere near the levels he can. When you've got 18-year-olds, it's not acceptable to me. I told him that. He's a senior international, a German international.”


"In the moment we're in now, I need everyone to be at least going out there and giving the best they can. What he produced wasn't acceptable. When I'm asking the younger players to do massive jobs, I expect more from the senior players like him."


The frightening aspect is that he thinks Timo is capable of playing better. He hasn't played better in about 4 years. A very weird signing from the moment it was announced.

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