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Other Football 2024/25

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Just now, Carvalho Diablo said:

Some great refereeing at the Man U v Brentford game.


The ref forced De Ligt to go off the pitch because his head was pissing with blood. Corner kick and Brentford take the lead, right on the strike of half time.


Ten Hag gets a yellow for his protest.


Hahaha fuck you shit cunt

Apparently he'd already been bandaged up but it fell off.  Its hilarious that the medical staff can't even pop a bandage on properly.

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"Hey, De Ligt is our best header of a ball, but has to go off because his head has been pumping blood for 10 minutes. Should we get someone to fill in for him when defending this corner?"




Fucking hell, they are tragic. It's great.


Also, I don't ever want to hear comments on atmosphere by Neville and anyone associated with Yernited ever again. You could literally hear players talking during large portions of that half, and that's with 70,000.


Theatre of Dreams - because most or the people there are asleep.

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3 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Some great refereeing at the Man U v Brentford game.


The ref forced De Ligt to go off the pitch because his head was pissing with blood. Corner kick and Brentford take the lead, right on the strike of half time.


Ten Hag gets a yellow for his protest.


Hahaha fuck you shit cunt

Horseface booked as well. 

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