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Other Football 2024/25

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18 hours ago, Pete said:

Apologies for link to the heil.

A quick google search of "carsley not singing anthem" will bring up plenty of results.



Because all the English men are utter shit.

I know you apologised for it mate but posting links encourages clicks on these poisonous websites which feeds the beast. And the Mail is pure evil. Entertaining though.

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13 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

He's a horrible snide twat. My opinion of him has just intensified 1000 times after reading that. 


I hate Patrick Barclay, Samuel and that Curtis who writes for the Sun but Powell might be the worst of the lot. 


Powell just gets wheeled out for this kind of senile rant. 'Bobby Moore' every other sentence. The bloke probably spends most of his days watching TV Gold and gazing blankly at all those ads where excited people announce they've planned their own funeral.

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Sven was the Swedish Hodgson. Glued to a rigid 442. Terrible really & wasted opportunities.


Capello was a dinosaur too, a strict school teacher type that couldn't speak English looking for one last payday before retirement. Terrible choice by the FA.


Tuchel I've a feeling he might actually get it done with England especially if he gets 2 or 3 goes at it. We'll see.

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2 minutes ago, Mane_Was_Better said:

Sven was the Swedish Hodgson. Glued to a rigid 442. Terrible really & wasted opportunities.


Capello was a dinosaur too, a strict school teacher type that couldn't speak English looking for one last payday before retirement. Terrible choice by the FA.


Tuchel I've a feeling he might actually get it done with England especially if he gets 2 or 3 goes at it. We'll see.

I honestly couldn't tell you whether any England manager of the last 30 years was good, bad or indifferent; it's only England.

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A load of mancs with Howard Webb...


"Oh Howie, remember when we were 2-0 down v Spurs in the title run in during the 08/09 season and you gifted us a ridiculous penalty to get us back in the game and we pipped the scousers to the title, HAHAHAHAHA great days..."




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26 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

A load of mancs with Howard Webb...


"Oh Howie, remember when we were 2-0 down v Spurs in the title run in during the 08/09 season and you gifted us a ridiculous penalty to get us back in the game and we pipped the scousers to the title, HAHAHAHAHA great days..."




Which is exactly why Webb should be nowhere near the PGMOL. 

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1 hour ago, Mane_Was_Better said:

Tuchel I've a feeling he might actually get it done with England especially if he gets 2 or 3 goes at it. We'll see.


Two months still before the job starts officially and the tabloids are already running stories about his sex life. The hypocrisy about Sven after he died sums them up - they dogged him non-stop with gossip about his private life, in spite of the fact there was no 'scandal' there. Similarly, the hacks love to reminisce about Bobby Robson, whilst conveniently forgetting he actually quit the England job because they had prepared a story about him cheating on his wife. Southgate only survived for so long because he was so profoundly boring as a human being. Maybe if they grew up and just concentrated on the football they might actually give the bloke a chance. 

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

I thought we'd seen peak clubs sniffing themselves but Arsenal are on a whole new level.


We need the boring boring Arsenal song back because they are, they are boring as fuck, cynical and snide as fuck and they haven't even done fuck all yet.

Reminds me of the George Graham days and the epitome of sideways passing David Hillier.

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