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Other Football 2024/25

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1 hour ago, Jairzinho said:

I hope he insists on playing the German national anthem.

I hope they play god save the king and he keeps his mouth shut and doesn't sing along. The fume from Carsley not singing was amusing, this would be amazing. 

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Can't wait to see how the gammons and little ingurlanders try and support England and a German manager whilst at the same time trying to justify those wonderful songs they like to sing about the wonderful nation of Germany. 

I expect a few to self combust trying to deal with it.  



1 minute ago, Arniepie said:

or scratches his arse when they play god save the king 

Or picks his nose and studies in depth the results. 

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3 hours ago, Section_31 said:

Harry Redknapp on the radio saying Gerrard or Lampard should have got it because managing England is easy.

I mean, this is amazing. So much revealed in one short sentence about Englands mentality and why they’ve won fuck all for sixty years.

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Why do so few English managers test themselves with clubs in countries where they won't earn as much as they do here, but might be in with a real shout of winning things? When those clubs are scouring for a new manager, I don't think they exclude English options due to a perceived lack of ability, but because they aren't affordable. Ultimately, they won't be seen as a viable option when a big club job becomes available over here because they've no experience of winning things or managing a team in European competition, and they won't be viable for the national job unless the sole objective is to put in a yes man or to appease the Daily Mail and Little Englander Brexit knobheads.

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5 minutes ago, Trumo said:

Why do so few English managers test themselves with clubs in countries where they won't earn as much as they do here, but might be in with a real shout of winning things? When those clubs are scouring for a new manager, I don't think they exclude English options due to a perceived lack of ability, but because they aren't affordable. Ultimately, they won't be seen as a viable option when a big club job becomes available over here because they've no experience of winning things or managing a team in European competition, and they won't be viable for the national job unless the sole objective is to put in a yes man or to appease the Daily Mail and Little Englander Brexit knobheads.

I always thought gerrard would have been better going to italy or germany and getting some experience there

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13 hours ago, an tha said:

Ths daily mail consistent with their xenophobic shite - their back page carries the headline 'A Dark Day for England' and goes on to come out with some shite about international football should be the best of "us" v the best of "them"



Clocked that on SSN this morning.


I'd love to see England win the WC and he fucks them off from the presser afterwards.

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3 minutes ago, Anubis said:

The Mail need to be taken to task for this shit.




Still holding on to the two World Wars for dear life.


We had Bertie Vogts up here years ago & I don't recall anyone mentioning any of that stuff. Proper xenophobic, small minded, chip on their shoulder shite.

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11 minutes ago, Pidge said:

There was fume?

Apologies for link to the heil.

A quick google search of "carsley not singing anthem" will bring up plenty of results.



1 minute ago, Anubis said:

Yeah, FA, you need to answer to Danny Mills. Now. Pronto. Get on it. Look how hard he is with his club doorman stance.



Because all the English men are utter shit.

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