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Featured: That was the Week that Was (Jul 8-14 2024)

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Monday Jul 8:


Thiago is retiring. I’m kind of shocked, although I probably shouldn’t be. He missed virtually the whole of last season despite spending so much time rehabbing to try to get himself fit. Every time he got close, he broke down again. I don’t know if it was the same injury or a different one, but it doesn’t matter I guess. It must have been utterly demoralising for him. His body was breaking down, it just wasn’t up to the demands of professional footy anymore. He probably could have taken a big money deal in Saudi but big respect to him for deciding to bow out now.


It’s such a massive fucking shame as he’s one of the best players I’ve ever seen play for us. A brilliant technician who loved putting his foot in and working his nuts off too. Seems like a top fella as well and this has hit me quite hard. I’m surprised at how sad I feel about it actually as he wasn’t here that long and he missed more games than he played. What a player he was though when fit. An absolute joy to watch.


Meanwhile, Uruguay are in the semis of the Copa America after a penalty shoot out win over Brazil at the weekend. They’ll play Colombia, who romped through with a 5-0 win that saw Diaz get a goal. He’s still being linked with Barca who have somehow now apparently come into some money and can buy players again. I’ve said before that I don’t want him to go and I wouldn’t sell him, but it does kind of feel like there’s some fire to go with this smoke, especially with all the Anthony Gordon talk.


If we sold Diaz and brought in Gordon for a similar fee would that be an upgrade? Personally I don’t think so, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world either. We would be getting younger and it’s another homegrown player, which helps, and Gordon has developed into a really good player over the past 12 months. I just think we often under-rate some of our players and over-rate other team’s players. What on earth has Gordon done in his career to this point to be seen as being clearly better than Luis Diaz? Maybe I’m in the minority here, I don’t know. Don’t get me wrong, if it happens I’m ok with it, I’d just rather it didn’t.

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I don’t think the Origi situation is particularly complicated. He just doesn’t really care about football. He’ll come in and be professional, but he’s already won everything there is to win and it’s not worth breaking your body over.


I reckon he’s onto something.

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You managed to sum up England players and in particular Southgate having only watched about 10 mins of them and those 10 mins were decent.

So obvious. "Ingerland "fans are the worst.

Glad Joe and Trent had no sniff. Rested  fitness ticking over, quick holiday and back fresh to go. COYR

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You’re right about Thiago.  He was one of the very few players we’ve had over the past 40 years that made the game look easy, and was probably in the top 3 we’ve ever had in terms of ability and vision.   Yes he was hardly available, but that was not his fault, and by all accounts, he was fantastic in the dressing room with the young players.  A joy to watch, and I’m gutted he won’t be playing somewhere in the world.  

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We didn't see it enough, but he was fucking brilliant. The peak was probably the two back to back games against City and United when he put in performances that were as good as any I've seen from a midfielder not named Gerrard.


The thing I love about him was how he completely bought into what Klopp wanted and worked on his running, pressing and tackling to be the player we needed. Unfortunately that probably didn't help with the fitness, but I appreciated how he didn't think he was "too big of a star" to get down and dirty.

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On 16/07/2024 at 19:13, dave u said:

We didn't see it enough, but he was fucking brilliant. The peak was probably the two back to back games against City and United when he put in performances that were as good as any I've seen from a midfielder not named Gerrard.


The thing I love about him was how he completely bought into what Klopp wanted and worked on his running, pressing and tackling to be the player we needed. Unfortunately that probably didn't help with the fitness, but I appreciated how he didn't think he was "too big of a star" to get down and dirty.


Yeah absolutely, and as you mentioned he could have signed for a Saudi club and earned a fortune but didn't. Classy on and off the pitch. Seems like an absolutely top fella. Reckon he may make a good coach too (just joined the Barca coaching team)

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