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Preseason Thread


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1 minute ago, niallers said:

Official is a right finicky cunt isn't he? Arsenal look a bit fitter than we do, or we've done more intense work before this game.

If i was a fan in the ground, I'd be down at the nearest tittie bar as its a bit boring.



Ref was shit in the last game to. Looked like he was PGMOL trained, ignored rough stuff one way and a possible pen for us. Blew up everytime a Beth's player went down screaming

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Pretty good that. Thought the starters looked comfortable and expressed themselves (shout outs to Harvey and Carvahlo) and the young lads looked really keen. Good stuff. 


Not too keen on how many touches of the ball the goalie had with his feet though.

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First half nice and entertaining even with some clumsy touches and passes around the back. Second half understandably very different without a recognised striker and the under 21's on for most of it but pretty decent keeping a clean sheet.


All, in all a very decent workout. Main worry so far from this season us how undercooked the international players will be from a lack of time with the new coach ahead of the first game against Ipswich, hopefully we have enough about us to get through that first month. 

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5 hours ago, Chris said:

Pretty good that. Thought the starters looked comfortable and expressed themselves (shout outs to Harvey and Carvahlo) and the young lads looked really keen. Good stuff. 


Not too keen on how many touches of the ball the goalie had with his feet though.

Agree on that last point, I would argue that Kelleher is more comfortable with the ball at his feet than Ali, I fear we're going to get targeted pretty quickly if we insist on playing that way.

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8 hours ago, Chip Butty said:

This new suicide passing approach at the back, is really paying dividends. 


I know why we're doing it, but I guess the value, or lack of it, will be determined by how many more goals we score than we concede, because we WILL concede some playing that way, even if we get swifter and sharper at it. 


For me, part of the problem is that they work on it in training as a simple short routine, whereas in a real game situation it's part of a much longer and more elaborate process, and it usually breaks down when the first phase of playing out from the back ends with a defender failing to find a route into midfield, so we start over again, the attackers press more, and we lose it. There's rarely a middle way with it - it either works very well or it hands opponents a chance.


I'd prefer it if, when the first sequence fails to find a way forward, we go for a longer ball out of defence. It's when we get drawn into ever-decreasing circles of play that we mess up. And that's sheer torture to watch multiple times every game.

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