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Preseason Thread


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12 minutes ago, Carvalho Diablo said:

Enjoying this:


Players looking really fit and well dialed in to the new system.


Great team goal, finished by Mo.


Jota hits post, should score.


Quansah is a gem.


Very interesting corner technique, 8 players charging in from the far post. Never seen that before.


Gomez and Konate, playing it out from the back? Can't wait to see that.


Really interesting corner routine, hope we see more of that this season. 


Jota with a touch of the Nunez's here tonight, post now another big chance missed. 

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Just now, Carvalho Diablo said:


He's played well but he was responsible for their goal.


To be fair to him he had two unmarked players in front of him and Odegaard shaped like he was going to pass it to the player in a position to shoot but he cut back in and crossed it instead.


You could argue he should have just stayed with Odegaard instead of anticipating the pass but if he'd passed and they scored from that he'd be getting the same abuse.

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