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Tony Gordon- Welcome to Liverpool

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1 hour ago, Code said:

Its an easy mistake to make to assume people are smarter than they actually are. 

I’ll try and make up for it, here is a cute kitten.




That's a pumpkin....

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I really miss the ability to look at a player and think "he's great, he'd be perfect for us" or "nah, overrated not for us" and talk about it with others, without being bombarded with the minutiae of endless bits of fucking data as if that completely proves it one way or the other.

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47 minutes ago, Chris said:

I really miss the ability to look at a player and think "he's great, he'd be perfect for us" or "nah, overrated not for us" and talk about it with others, without being bombarded with the minutiae of endless bits of fucking data as if that completely proves it one way or the other.


You can freely say either of those things.

If however, you were to add any mention of Mo Salah, his numbers speak for themselves. 


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42 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


You can freely say either of those things.

If however, you were to add any mention of Mo Salah, his numbers speak for themselves. 


I think you’ll find Code speaks for his numbers actually.

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7 hours ago, Code said:

You should do, some pretty interesting facts in there.


Like these.


Only 2,89% of the games in the PL ended 0-0 or only 11 games, in La Liga the same number was 8,16% or 31 games, in Serie A it was 7,89% or 30 games.


In the PL there was a bigger chance that a game would end up with 7 goals or more 3,42% (13 games) than it would end in a 0-0 draw 2,89% (11 games).


The most common result in all three leagues are 1-1


If you are a betting man, these are the numbers you need to know about. 

Sorry,I fell asleep.

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4 hours ago, The Guest said:

I mean whatever amortisation they’ve already taken is in their costs and losses already.  Had he been on a 5 year deal instead and they would have amortised less so far then obviously their profit on the sale of the asset is lower but they’ve already had the benefit of less cost in the books to date.  It all works out the same if they sell him because he’s only been there 18 months.


I might have misread your point to begin with but I thought you were suggesting having him only on a 3.5 year deal has benefitted them on a PSR basis if they sell now.

I think crossed wires and you were talking about something different to me. The whole premise of a Gordon sale is Newcastle wanted the profit either in 23/24 to balance their books, or take it in 24/25 to enable spending. So what's been booked previously is relevant in the context of what his book value is now, therefore impacting what profit they can achieve. 

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4 hours ago, Chris said:

I really miss the ability to look at a player and think "he's great, he'd be perfect for us" or "nah, overrated not for us" and talk about it with others, without being bombarded with the minutiae of endless bits of fucking data as if that completely proves it one way or the other.

Nah, he's a cheating fuck, not for us.

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7 hours ago, Chris said:

I really miss the ability to look at a player and think "he's great, he'd be perfect for us" or "nah, overrated not for us" and talk about it with others, without being bombarded with the minutiae of endless bits of fucking data as if that completely proves it one way or the other.

Said it before

The minute nerds gotta into footy it was all over


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11 hours ago, Mane_Was_Better said:


So true. Him & Richarlison what a pair they were to play against. I wouldn't want a player like Gordon here even though he's good. There are shithouses & there are players like the 2 mentioned that take it to a different level. Sod that.


We're overloaded on the left as it is with it being Diaz, Jota & Gakpo's best position, it's probably Nunez's best position too.

He is genuine one of those players I'd struggle to support.

It's not Just the diving. 

He is Just a detestable cunt 

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6 hours ago, stringvest said:

When did that rule come in?  Must have been recent.

He's the worst diver in the league. Can't remember ever wanting to sign a player that can claim to be that. Someone will.say suarez no doubt but...


A) suarez was nowhere near Gordon's level for diving

B) I had no idea about him as a player when we signed him, so had no view, and

C) Anthony fucking Gordon is no Luis suarez

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2 hours ago, The wanderer said:

Did you say the same about Luis ? He was a right bastard on the pitch.

Luis Suarez was possibly the most talented footballer I've ever seen in person. Certainly the most talented Ive ever watched week after week. Anthony Gordon is not. 


And knowing he's a detestable cheat in advance is different to finding out later he's a win at all costs horrible bustard later.

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Nothing against him really he is just an average player in my opinion . However as usual we are back looking at a player who played well against us or someone we had bother with it's a recurring theme . In terms of wingers let's see Downing and Pennant both come to mind .  Leave it there . 

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43 minutes ago, clockspeed said:

Nothing against him really he is just an average player in my opinion . However as usual we are back looking at a player who played well against us or someone we had bother with it's a recurring theme . In terms of wingers let's see Downing and Pennant both come to mind .  Leave it there . 

I always felt Downing and Pennant were punts. Both midtable players with a decent season behind them.


Gordon is a very good player. I think he has the ability to be top class. Off the pitch, he seems driven and professional. 


I'd love him here.

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8 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Said it before

The minute nerds gotta into footy it was all over



It's bad, but I find the incorporation of street slang into the discussion of football to be far more offensive.

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