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Tony Gordon- Welcome to Liverpool

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I think the point is that in 5 years time Tony Gordo will be banging in more goals and assists than Salah. The suggestion that Salah would be used as some sort of makeweight in a move for Gordon though so he can see out his last good years in a shit hole

up north playing Europa Conference league footy is ludicrous and removed from reality.

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47 minutes ago, Code said:


This might explain it, also remember France and Germany have both 18 teams leagues. It also only include wingers. 

I think the numbers below should be correct.

Goals in different leagues:

Premier League: 1246 goals (49 own goals)

La Liga: 1005 goals (28 own goals)

Serie A: 992 goals (24 own goals)

Bundesliga: 985 goals (25 own goals)

Ligue 1: 826 goals (22 own goals)


First instinct was right looking at that og column

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10 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Does anybody actually read Code's lists?

You should do, some pretty interesting facts in there.


Like these.


Only 2,89% of the games in the PL ended 0-0 or only 11 games, in La Liga the same number was 8,16% or 31 games, in Serie A it was 7,89% or 30 games.


In the PL there was a bigger chance that a game would end up with 7 goals or more 3,42% (13 games) than it would end in a 0-0 draw 2,89% (11 games).


The most common result in all three leagues are 1-1


If you are a betting man, these are the numbers you need to know about. 

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3 minutes ago, Code said:

You should do, some pretty interesting facts in there.


Like these.


Only 2,89% of the games in the PL ended 0-0 or only 11 games, in La Liga the same number was 8,16% or 31 games, in Serie A it was 7,89% or 30 games.


In the PL there was a bigger chance that a game would end up with 7 goals or more 3,42% (13 games) than it would end in a 0-0 draw 2,89% (11 games).


If you are a betting man, these are the numbers you need to know about. 

That's surprising about 0-0s . And it's normally about 8/1. Although I did do one 0-0 bet last season and it came in, so I must be fucking brilliant. 

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17 hours ago, The Guest said:

This is so odd.  He only signed a 3 and a half year deal at Newcastle.  If you look back to the reports on the day they tried to cover it up saying he had signed a “long term deal” which was clearly spin at the time.  They 100% knew they would be in this position 18 months down the line.


I’m not the biggest fan of him.  I think he’s the biggest cheat in the league.  He wins pens and free kicks but they’re the sort of things that we don’t get so when you take them away what are you left with.  When situations like this come up though it’s just an inevitability about it.  He’s a Liverpool fan and wants to come here.  If the club think he’s good enough then it will happen at some point in the next 2 years.


So true. Him & Richarlison what a pair they were to play against. I wouldn't want a player like Gordon here even though he's good. There are shithouses & there are players like the 2 mentioned that take it to a different level. Sod that.


We're overloaded on the left as it is with it being Diaz, Jota & Gakpo's best position, it's probably Nunez's best position too.

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21 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

That's surprising about 0-0s . And it's normally about 8/1. Although I did do one 0-0 bet last season and it came in, so I must be fucking brilliant. 

Hehe indeed, there was an unusual low number of goalless draws though compared to the last five seasons before. 

0-0 draws:

22/23: 6,05% (23)

21/22: 5,79% (22)

20/21: 7,89% (30)

19/20: 5,53% (21)

18/19: 5,79% (22)

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13 minutes ago, Code said:

Hehe indeed, there was an unusual low number of goalless draws though compared to the last five seasons before. 

0-0 draws:

22/23: 6,05% (23)

21/22: 5,79% (22)

20/21: 7,89% (30)

19/20: 5,53% (21)

18/19: 5,79% (22)


I think that is to be expected though. There are more and more teams wanting to play front foot football, even the teams near the bottom who can't really do it. The real outlier on that list is the full COVID season, when football was passionless in the main. Otherwise it seems a pretty constant low 20 games per season, almost one every other weekend. That's still less than I'd have picked. I'd have probably guessed about 3 goaless draws in every 4 weekends - so high 20s more like that COVID season. 

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Salah is a relatively lazy centre forward, sometimes starting from the right. "Winger" really doesn't represent what he does on the pitch at all. Especially as he has all but given up actually trying to beat a fullback.


He'd probably be a more useful number 10 than anything else now. Mind you, he wouldn't get as many goals so the fixation on individual records wouldn't be realised.

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9 minutes ago, Jairzinho said:

Salah is a relatively lazy centre forward, sometimes starting from the right. "Winger" really doesn't represent what he does on the pitch at all. Especially as he has all but given up actually trying to beat a fullback.


He'd probably be a more useful number 10 than anything else now. Mind you, he wouldn't get as many goals so the fixation on individual records wouldn't be realised.

Salah is one of the only real wingers on that list, here are a few from the PL and their playing positions.


Gordon and Saka are the other two.


Playing positions last season.









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20 minutes ago, Mook said:

Every thread on here ends up almost unreadable due to all these lists and fucking numbers.



And now we have them in fucking Norwegian to make them even more pointless. He may as well have just threw a load of hieroglyphics up.

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18 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

PSR calculation doesn't cover the 3.5 years they've signed him for. That's the whole point of amortisation and is a normal accountancy practice. The profit that Newcastle can book in their accounts is their sale transfer fee minus his book price. His book price is his buy transfer fee minus amortisation. 


I mean whatever amortisation they’ve already taken is in their costs and losses already.  Had he been on a 5 year deal instead and they would have amortised less so far then obviously their profit on the sale of the asset is lower but they’ve already had the benefit of less cost in the books to date.  It all works out the same if they sell him because he’s only been there 18 months.


I might have misread your point to begin with but I thought you were suggesting having him only on a 3.5 year deal has benefitted them on a PSR basis if they sell now.

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21 minutes ago, Code said:

Its an easy mistake to make to assume people are smarter than they actually are. 

I’ll try and make up for it, here is a cute kitten.




Sitting reading endless Football statistics would suggest a lack of intelligence to me, unless the person is actually paid to do it.


And yes, the kitten is a massive improvement on the other shite.

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5 hours ago, Smell The Glove said:

Over half the players on that list play in the Premier League. Not sure what that actually says, more attacking or shit defending?

Shit defending.


If you look at the top scorer list from last season, you’ll see some of the most bang average strikers in the business. Chris Wood got 14 league goals.

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On 01/07/2024 at 16:54, Code said:

I think Gordon is a great player, you could bet he would be called out for his diving on daily basis if he joins us though.


Would love us to sign him. 


I never thought i'd say this, but can we hear more from Code please? YARN | I never thought I'd say this, but can I hear more from Gareth please?  | The Office (UK) (2001) - S01E04 Drama | Video gifs by quotes | 9902d1e0 |  紗

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