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Tony Gordon- Welcome to Liverpool

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1 hour ago, elvis said:

He's a good player, you just don't know much about football. 


Load of bollocks, I've never claimed he was shit. I've said he performances at the euros have been overhyped and people talking like he's the answer to LW and better than Diaz are wrong l. He's had 18 months to prove he's better than Diaz or Nunez and so far he hasn't. I've said plenty of times he's a better option up top the way we have played him

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14 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


Load of bollocks, I've never claimed he was shit. I've said he performances at the euros have been overhyped and people talking like he's the answer to LW and better than Diaz are wrong l. He's had 18 months to prove he's better than Diaz or Nunez and so far he hasn't. I've said plenty of times he's a better option up top the way we have played him


Personally, I think like about 75% of the squad, he has a lot to prove this year. He's had times both in the red shirt and for the Dutch where he's looked a smart player who knows how to influence and change games. He has others, again for both sides, where he looks like he's got something better to do. 


I'm with you though, I think he's been behind Nunez and Diaz too much and they themselves too often leave a lot to be desired. 

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2 hours ago, Lee909 said:


Load of bollocks, I've never claimed he was shit. I've said he performances at the euros have been overhyped and people talking like he's the answer to LW and better than Diaz are wrong l. He's had 18 months to prove he's better than Diaz or Nunez and so far he hasn't. I've said plenty of times he's a better option up top the way we have played him

He's been a pretty good player but if you refuse to believe your own silliness then go right ahead.

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