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Tony Gordon- Welcome to Liverpool

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No thanks from me. He doesn't elevate this side for the fee he'd cost anymore than what we currently have on the left. Feels like a massive misuse of funds unless you are generating more by selling both Diaz and Gakpo. If Gordon came in as our only signing I'd have to chalk it up as another shit window where we didn't do enough.

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On 30/07/2024 at 20:16, Bobby Hundreds said:

No thanks from me. He doesn't elevate this side for the fee he'd cost anymore than what we currently have on the left. Feels like a massive misuse of funds unless you are generating more by selling both Diaz and Gakpo. If Gordon came in as our only signing I'd have to chalk it up as another shit window where we didn't do enough.

If nobody comes in, I'd consider it a more successful window than if Gordon does.

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1 hour ago, El Dangerous said:

Hearing there’s going to be some serious *movement in the next few days.












*Bowel Movement.


Speaking on behalf of all Reds who suffer from constipation, I fucking hope so.

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15 minutes ago, The Midnight Rambler said:

Just doesn't feel 'Edwards' paying 70m for Gordon. 

If his rate of progression improves at the same rate he'll be worth twice that in 12 months.

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