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Tony Gordon- Welcome to Liverpool

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2 minutes ago, joe_fishfish said:

If he doesn’t score in the derby and celebrate by running over to the Everton fans and kissing the badge I’ll wonder if he was even worth it.

Loved that Nick Barmby song. 

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2 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Loved that Nick Barmby song. 

I can’t remember our song for Barmby?


I remember being at the game and they were singing “Die Die Die Nicky Die”.


Or maybe it was “The The The Nicky The”. 

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43 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I can’t remember our song for Barmby?


I remember being at the game and they were singing “Die Die Die Nicky Die”.


Or maybe it was “The The The Nicky The”. 

He’s red he’s white he scored against the shite 


Fuck them. 

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He would actively turn us from the best looking squad in the league to

about 12th with one scratch of a pen. The hatred he will get off Everton will be far worse than Barmby and all. 

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2 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

He would actively turn us from the best looking squad in the league to

about 12th with one scratch of a pen. The hatred he will get off Everton will be far worse than Barmby and all. 

The feeeeeewmmmm will be nuclear.


Just get it done, Liverpool.

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4 hours ago, Furmedge said:

If it means Everton get a sell on clause out of it, I'm out.

Here’s how we make the greatest transfer in history. We loan him for 12 months for £70m with a clause that we can make it permanent for £5m at any point. The day after the loan goes through we sign him and Everton get their 20% or whatever of £5m.

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14 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

That's what is being reported and he's told them he's not signing a new deal. 


Hmm. So there isn't really anything stopping us waiting 12 months while we take care of other priorities, cash in on Diaz and if he's produced another season similar to last then make a move.

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7 minutes ago, Binomial said:


Hmm. So there isn't really anything stopping us waiting 12 months while we take care of other priorities, cash in on Diaz and if he's produced another season similar to last then make a move.

Well aside from I suppose someone like city might come and pay the earth in the meantime time. 


Personally I'm not really into all this "just hang on" shit. It never works out. Either like with Bellingham or with players like keita and divock where you buy them and hang around while they waste a year knowing they've got no future there. Just get the deal done if you want him. It might be he's still there next year and you want him, but I don't think it should be a strategy. 

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The only time where we could wait for a player was van Dijk because Klopp legitimately convinced him to only come here. Maybe Gordon would be similar because he's a Scouser but the vast majority of the time, you can't just wait to do deals and expect that players will wait for you.

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7 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

The only time where we could wait for a player was van Dijk because Klopp legitimately convinced him to only come here. Maybe Gordon would be similar because he's a Scouser but the vast majority of the time, you can't just wait to do deals and expect that players will wait for you.

The vvd thing though wasn't never really about him waiting. Nobody wanted the deal to wait till January, we just got caught with our pants down and the tax from Southampton not to dry bum us was another 15-20m and wait till January. 

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6 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

The vvd thing though wasn't never really about him waiting. Nobody wanted the deal to wait till January, we just got caught with our pants down and the tax from Southampton not to dry bum us was another 15-20m and wait till January. 

Yeah, but he could have deviated and signed for Chelsea or something like that when we couldn't sign him in the summer. The whole key to the deal was that he was convinced to only come here.

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35 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

Yeah, but he could have deviated and signed for Chelsea or something like that when we couldn't sign him in the summer. The whole key to the deal was that he was convinced to only come here.

Well perhaps. Or Southampton just felt he could fuck off too. He was the wife who'd been caught having an affair. We were the big dicked lothario from the big city. So yes, they wanted to give us a hard time, but I'm pretty sure they were happy to punish VVD too. He was after all the guy who had the contract with them. 


But I think we agree, it was a very unusual and specific situation. And my dislike of waiting isn't just based on that. As I say origi and keita are great examples of players who's best days were behind them while playing their final season at their club, but knew they'd signed here. 

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