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The Paris Olympics 2024


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Howie can take his thread and shove it in the seine. It might be an interesting discussion point, and a noteworthy issue, but that no way at all to start a thread on what is one of the best months of sport going.


The Olympics are boss. 


I'm heading there one month today, camping outside Paris with my daughter and heading in for the Gymnastics, Rowing and Hockey, and we're dead excited.


Anyone else going?

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You might want to take a look at the Fuck UEFA and Fuck The French thread on the FF for some tips. You can add the potential of a Le Pen inspired government. 


I'd invest in some new clothing.



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2 minutes ago, Anubis said:

You might want to take a look at the Fuck UEFA and Fuck The French thread on the FF for some tips. You can add the potential of a Le Pen inspired government. 


I'd invest in some new clothing.



You can take that to Howies shitfest of a thread.


Good vibes here.


The Olympics is boss. 

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1 minute ago, Rico1304 said:

Are we going to win any medals in athletics this time? I’ve no idea who’s good anymore.  

We've got the current world leader in women's pole vault, loads of good middle distance runners in both men's and women's and some not half bad sprinters too.

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1 minute ago, Bob said:

We've got the current world leader in women's pole vault, loads of good middle distance runners in both men's and women's and some not half bad sprinters too.

Excellent, always more interesting when we’ve got a sniff of a medal.  

I guess rowing and cycling too.  Should be exciting.  

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4 minutes ago, Rico1304 said:

Excellent, always more interesting when we’ve got a sniff of a medal.  

I guess rowing and cycling too.  Should be exciting.  

Well have a very competitive chance at gymnastics, rowing, cycling and swimming, plus ghen there's all the other bits I've no idea about but we come out the woodwork on often like kayak, sailing, and what not.


Oh, yeah, well be there or thereabouts in triathlon too.

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6 minutes ago, Bob said:

Well have a very competitive chance at gymnastics, rowing, cycling and swimming, plus ghen there's all the other bits I've no idea about but we come out the woodwork on often like kayak, sailing, and what not.


Oh, yeah, well be there or thereabouts in triathlon too.

Fantastic.  Should be a great summer.   The kayaking looks like the most physically demanding event in the games.  

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If there is a train strike on the way to the Stadium and people are late for the 100m final, I wonder if the authorities will make them wait forever to get in, tear gas them, beat them, blame them and then let them get beaten up again on the way back to the station. 

The Olympics might be great, the French authorities are a set of cunts. 

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29 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

If there is a train strike on the way to the Stadium and people are late for the 100m final, I wonder if the authorities will make them wait forever to get in, tear gas them, beat them, blame them and then let them get beaten up again on the way back to the station. 

The Olympics might be great, the French authorities are a set of cunts. 

Quite right. But Howies got a thread for the bad bits.

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Camping in France and heading the Olympics sounds boss, very jealous.


My excitement at a European games in tempered by the fact my lad now gets summer holidays. Will be a battle for the tele in our house.

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Here’s the local idiot who wants to protect scouse culture without having a fucking clue what it is.


Has there ever been a fucking a fucking moron who had less of an idea of a cultural identity than this Cunt? He’s turned his replies off once he realised he’d made a mistake, as a lot of the replies take him on a brief history lesson.




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12 hours ago, Rico1304 said:

Excellent, always more interesting when we’ve got a sniff of a medal.  

I guess rowing and cycling too.  Should be exciting.  

If it's like previous Olympics it's the female bike seats this lot will want to sniff.

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Was travelling round France for 3 weeks last month and saw hardly a mention of the Olympics. It doesn't seem to have grabbed the attention locally as did the excitement around London 2012. Saw plenty about the Tour De France.

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10 hours ago, Anubis said:

Here’s the local idiot who wants to protect scouse culture without having a fucking clue what it is.


Has there ever been a fucking a fucking moron who had less of an idea of a cultural identity than this Cunt? He’s turned his replies off once he realised he’d made a mistake, as a lot of the replies take him on a brief history lesson.




Fuck that shit off out of my thread. Howie might want that sort of thing in his, maybe?

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18 minutes ago, Bob said:

Fuck that shit off out of my thread. Howie might want that sort of thing in his, maybe?

It was early morning. I clicked on the wrong thread. I even apologised in my next post when I realised. Calm yourself. Imagine you’re in a field outside Paris. Deep breaths.

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1 minute ago, Anubis said:

Also, don’t let your daughter wander off into the catacombs beneath Paris, because all sorts of horror film shit happens down there….

It's defo on our list. I went there the only previous time I've been to Paris with an bird I was seeing who rushed us through it irritatingly.

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