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Euro 2024

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21 hours ago, El Rojo said:

On a not-very-related point, I recently read a biography of Frank Beckenbauer which said that Roy Hodgson was offered German manager’s job sometime in or around the turn of the millennium. Unfortunately, they came to their senses and withdrew the offer a day later. 


"Gu...., Guten.... Guten T"



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13 hours ago, Binomial said:

I would fully support England if Sarina Wiegman was given the job.

Same. Would be funny watching the gammons fume, and the implications for the sport if she actually wins a trophy would be incredible. 

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53 minutes ago, Aventus said:

Same. Would be funny watching the gammons fume, and the implications for the sport if she actually wins a trophy would be incredible. 


Wouldn't put it past the FA you know, with them being all about diversity and all tha.


Hearing all about the sensationalising stories would be mesmeric. 

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15 hours ago, A Red said:

Continue with Southgates mentality? You mean the defensive one, for someone who doesn't understand that you need to practice defending corners? 

Southgate defended really well from corners, especially when it was England taking them.

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16 minutes ago, Reckoner said:

Southgate defended really well from corners, especially when it was England taking them.


Just wait - in a couple of years all the big sides will be playing their corners back to the keeper.

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What culture did Southgate create. Literally taking a squad of excellent players and making them shitter than the sum of their parts. Unless having the easiest draws you could hope for is culturally influenced by Southgate being a nice enough man then I'd say England could of just opted out of playing during his tenure and the impact would of been the same. The hyperbole around his mediocrity is palpable I'm just hoping Jim the twat Ratcliffe can taste it.

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1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

What culture did Southgate create. Literally taking a squad of excellent players and making them shitter than the sum of their parts. Unless having the easiest draws you could hope for is culturally influenced by Southgate being a nice enough man then I'd say England could of just opted out of playing during his tenure and the impact would of been the same. The hyperbole around his mediocrity is palpable I'm just hoping Jim the twat Ratcliffe can taste it.

Seemed like the players liked playing for him, even though his tactics were shit. It was basically just Ben Shite who told him to fuck off.

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24 minutes ago, Torvald Utne said:

Hasn't Ben White previously stated he only plays football for the money?  As England pay a pittance in comparison to club earnings it doesn't surprise me that he didn't want to play international football...gotta respect that really

Fuck off with a load of fellas on the international break to play footy, or get a few days off with whatever WAG you have on your arm at the time, to anywhere in the world, with your vast wealth.


Difficult choice.

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I wouldnt play for England either that's not a political point it's just I'm a lazy cunt. Hang on am I imposing the mentality of a waste of space like me onto a person that has the mentality to play a sport at the most elite level you can get. No I don't think so either it's because they are scared they will look bad that's all. shithouses.

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39 minutes ago, Torvald Utne said:

Hasn't Ben White previously stated he only plays football for the money?  As England pay a pittance in comparison to club earnings it doesn't surprise me that he didn't want to play international football...gotta respect that really


I'm sure England players normally donate their money for Playing for England to charity too. 

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3 hours ago, Torvald Utne said:

Hasn't Ben White previously stated he only plays football for the money?  As England pay a pittance in comparison to club earnings it doesn't surprise me that he didn't want to play international football...gotta respect that really

Fair play to him.

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