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Euro 2024

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24 minutes ago, Anubis said:

I believe the Spanish player ‘RODRI’ made the offensive claim on the territory of Gibraltar.


In order to protect European security and the sport, ‘RODRI’ must be banned from all football for a period of at least a year. 

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39 minutes ago, Anubis said:

I now fully expect the German FA to complain about the singing of 'Ten German Bombers' offensive chanting about a lost testicle belonging to Adolf Hitler and various other provocative gestures during Euro 2024.


May I suggest that these people grow one more testicle than Adolf themselves.

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22 minutes ago, halewood pete said:

Nowt to do with footy,but been to cadiz twice on cruises and it's a great town


It will have some boss scuba diving once we've sent in the Royal Navy to sink every boat harboured there.


Stop the Cadiz Boats.

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Pretty sure it’s going to be Carsley.


Won the Euros with the u21’s. The team played some decent football. They love to promote within, and the other candidates are well accustomed to the demands and also the salaries club football gives. I don’t think they will be too hasty to leave club football for international footy yet. Carsley is by far the candidate that will want it most too.


Perhaps they give it to him as an interim manager while they (outwardly at least) continue the search, hoping that Carsley will win the players and fans over in the meantime. A bit like Solskjaer at the Mancs, hopefully with a similar outcome.

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8 minutes ago, lebron said:

Pretty sure it’s going to be Carsley.


Won the Euros with the u21’s. The team played some decent football. They love to promote within, and the other candidates are well accustomed to the demands and also the salaries club football gives. I don’t think they will be too hasty to leave club football for international footy yet. Carsley is by far the candidate that will want it most too.


Perhaps they give it to him as an interim manager while they (outwardly at least) continue the search, hoping that Carsley will win the players and fans over in the meantime. A bit like Solskjaer at the Mancs, hopefully with a similar outcome.

Great coach by all accounts, but I reckon he’d be devoured and spat out  by that job.

Also, it’s much easier to coach kids than egotistical arseholes who think they already know more than you. 

Anyway, I think the FA will want more of a ‘name’. Eddie Howe would be an hilarious choice, even more so if he brought the perma-tanned assistant who always tries to steal his thunder. 

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10 hours ago, diamondjoe said:

They'll be gung ho for Klopp now. Would hate to see that though I'm sure he has the gumption enough to know better. 

I just don't see Klopp managing a national team: it doesn't seem like the kind of project that interests him.

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10 minutes ago, El Rojo said:

Great coach by all accounts, but I reckon he’d be devoured and spat out  by that job.

Also, it’s much easier to coach kids than egotistical arseholes who think they already know more than you. 

Anyway, I think the FA will want more of a ‘name’. Eddie Howe would be an hilarious choice, even more so if he brought the perma-tanned assistant who always tries to steal his thunder. 


Think it’s too earlier for Howe’s “career-arc” to take over a NT now. How old is he? 45?

I somehow doubt he’ll walk away from the money given to him by the Saudi’s anytime soon too. He might use the England interest to solidify his position at Newcastle though, maybe extend and better his already lucrative contract there.


They will definitely go English though. Carragher and Neville have predictably been all over the coverage today shouting down the foreigners mentioned as candidates, both idiots ending their arguments with that it doesn’t really matter who the manager is, as international footy is all about the players…


I think Carsley has worked with a few of the younger players before, so would be a good transition if they speak positively on his behalf. I have no idea how good of a coach he is either, but it’s not like Southgate had much of a club career to look back on, and he was seemingly well respected by most of the players.

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4 minutes ago, lebron said:


Think it’s too earlier for Howe’s “career-arc” to take over a NT now. How old is he? 45?

I somehow doubt he’ll walk away from the money given to him by the Saudi’s anytime soon too. He might use the England interest to solidify his position at Newcastle though, maybe extend and better his already lucrative contract there.


They will definitely go English though. Carragher and Neville have predictably been all over the coverage today shouting down the foreigners mentioned as candidates, both idiots ending their arguments with that it doesn’t really matter who the manager is, as international footy is all about the players…

On a not-very-related point, I recently read a biography of Frank Beckenbauer which said that Roy Hodgson was offered German manager’s job sometime in or around the turn of the millennium. Unfortunately, they came to their senses and withdrew the offer a day later. 

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21 hours ago, El Rojo said:

On a not-very-related point, I recently read a biography of Frank Beckenbauer which said that Roy Hodgson was offered German manager’s job sometime in or around the turn of the millennium. Unfortunately, they came to their senses and withdrew the offer a day later. 

Any relation to Franz?

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44 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Given Southgoat proved you can be a winner without winning and is a winner, this is the perfect appointment…



The perfect antidote to defensive uninspiring football.

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