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Euro 2024

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52 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:


Can’t see it, myself. He's clearly said he’s done with management for a while. And, I’m not sure that the FA would have the gumption to go for him. They seem to have abandoned the foreign manager approach. It’s too bold an appointment for them. They’ll go for a safe, uninspiring choice. Potter, Howe or Carsley. Maybe Rob Edwards, as an outsider.




Replacing beige with magnolia.

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2 minutes ago, manwiththestick said:

It seems Klopp is the favourite amongst the flag shaggers.


The same Klopp they've took this piss out of as being an apparent failure in his nine year at Liverpool and an overrated moaner.


I've just posted this in the Klopp thread but I think this recent photo of him may change their minds!



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Zero chance Klopp will take it. The English fans and media are as toxic as it gets.


It'll be an average English manager like Howe or Potter, who are still a massive upgrade on Southgate. 



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Mentioned on another thread about an annoying old Geordie on holiday waffling on about Southgate. He hoped Southgate stayed on, why? ‘ ya now what it means if he goes man? Eddie Howe man’ I kept quiet dying laughing inside.

Another day he goes out of his way to speak to me at the pool. ‘Some terrible news yesterday eh? Oh yeah terrible about Kevin Campbell. No man Kieran Trippier is sellin his house’ 

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2 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Mentioned on another thread about an annoying old Geordie on holiday waffling on about Southgate. He hoped Southgate stayed on, why? ‘ ya now what it means if he goes man? Eddie Howe man’ I kept quiet dying laughing inside.

Another day he goes out of his way to speak to me at the pool. ‘Some terrible news yesterday eh? Oh yeah terrible about Kevin Campbell. No man Kieran Trippier is sellin his house’ 

That’s what I get for thinking I’ve made a friend.

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The ideal candidate to take over from GS would have the following qualities. English, to give that core clenched fist 'come on Tim' motivation. Experience of tournament football with England. A proven winner at club level with a drawer full of medals. Managerial experience even if he has been dealt a poor hand at the clubs he has managed and really just needs the right job to act as rain to his incipient blooming.

It has to be Big Fat Frank. Please. 

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3 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

UEFA Team Of The Tournament…

For me Clive, a right back should protect the right hand side of the final defensive third of the pitch. 

In the final, both of the winning goals came from the right hand side of the final defensive third of the pitch. 

The right back was poorly positioned for both goals.


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3 minutes ago, UnwelcomeinPeru said:

For me Clive, a right back should protect the right hand side of the final defensive third of the pitch. 

In the final, both of the winning goals came from the right hand side of the final defensive third of the pitch. 

The right back was poorly positioned for both goals.



Yeah, but you're ignoring his great throw-in. So great, that arsewipe Jonathan Liew based an entire article on it.

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43 minutes ago, Elite said:

Zero chance Klopp will take it. The English fans and media are as toxic as it gets.


It'll be an average English manager like Howe or Potter, who are still a massive upgrade on Southgate. 




In fairness given the current state of international football it probably wouldn't take more than a Howe or Potter to actually win something with the English team. 

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