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Euro 2024

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3 minutes ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

To "somehow" reach the final. Probably the easiest run of games you could hope for.

They keep telling us the PL is the 'greatest in the world' so why any surprise? Is that these players are exposed to the possibility that it's overseas players carrying them?

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1 hour ago, Torvald Utne said:

"he is the highest-paid manager at Euro 2024, reportedly earning over £5million per year"


Why would they, really?

Wait. What! 
£5million a year and he can't see that Kane was unfit, you can't play Foden and Bellingham in the team & that folks want to be entertained rather than put to sleep????  

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13 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Don't you remember the fume over the cross,?

It was hilarious 

Yeah, glorious example of the element of small minded horrible crying twats we’ve got in this country. The likes of the heil etc fanning the flames didn’t help. As usual. 


1 hour ago, Bobby Hundreds said:

To "somehow" reach the final. Probably the easiest run of games you could hope for.

Same as the World Cup semi final run. Played two decent teams and lost both times. Even needed pens to get past Colombia. 

The Germany result in the last euros was decent and the Holland win in this to be fair. But the were far from the second best side in the tournament. 

Anyway the pantomime footy is over now. Sign Joaquin! 

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22 minutes ago, Pidge said:


Daft twat.

Nothing less than a ban from all football for 12 months is a severe enough punishment! 

Could be worse, he could have been Enzo Fernandez. 

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5 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Nothing less than a ban from all football for 12 months is a severe enough punishment! 

Could be worse, he could have been Enzo Fernandez. 

Maybe the knowledge that Gibraltar has been Spanish for about 250 years in the last millennium is punishment enough. Trafalgar's still Spanish though... 


Thankfully Gibraltar wasn't Spanish when Napoleon turned on them or they wouldn't have a country of their own at all.

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20 minutes ago, Creator Supreme said:

Shouldn't Gibraltar be Gibraltan?


Just saying....

I asked a taxi driver on the way from the airport to the hotel what language they spoke. He bit back “English!” Even though he looked more Spanish than a paella. They get up to all sorts of petty stuff on the border, both sides just winding each other up. 

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11 minutes ago, Carra_is_legend said:

Sounds like they've hired a journo from The Athletic. What a bunch of shite.

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