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Euro 2024

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2 minutes ago, Binomial said:

According to Transfermrkt - Slovenia squad size - 26, total value 140m euros.


We have players on fucking holiday in Maldives or somewhere who have been bought for that. How embarrassing man.


Is most of that €140m Oblak?

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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:


I didn't think he was excellent last year, at least not after xmas period. Even before that he was doing the same and dropping off. Don't get me wrong he is still good but the talk of him being back to his best is way off the mark. He is also 33 in a couple of weeks and only has 1 season left. We shouldn't be offering more than a extension or new 2 year deal to him really

Think you’re being a bit harsh on his form. I also think he’s still very much one of our leaders. Would be a terrible time to get rid of him with Klopp already gone. 

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Just now, El Rojo said:

Think you’re being a bit harsh on his form. I also think he’s still very much one of our leaders. Would be a terrible time to get rid of him with Klopp already gone. 


The leadership thing I agree with. 

He's been superb for us, just think we need to look going forward and won't be able to get a top class player in to sit under him and don't think we should be giving him a long term deal. 

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Kane’s brilliant if used properly, both as a striker and in the build-up.

Bellingham’s marking him out of the game at the moment, which would be great if one of them was Slovenian. 

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2 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


The leadership thing I agree with. 

He's been superb for us, just think we need to look going forward and won't be able to get a top class player in to sit under him and don't think we should be giving him a long term deal. 

Yeah, maybe sense in a shorter deal alright. I’d be keeping him for the next season or two though.


Konate was wretched by the end of last season. We badly need him to find a bit of form again. 

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Pickford still at it. One time, he took a goal kick, then kept thumping the left side of his chest - no one near him, no one looking at him, just doing it for the cameras. Later, he threw the ball down the middle, then started pointing and shouting at Walker, who was way too far away to hear and anyway had his back to him. Later still, he came out of his area, passed to Trippier and then looked away from the ball (even though had it broken to an opponent they could have lobbed it straight over him) to start punching his chest again towards a playerless right side. Now, the only top keeper I've seen who could be really vocal a lot but keep his focus was Clemence, but he chose his moments to speak and it was always close up to certain teammates. Mostly you need absolute concentration, and leave the rest of it to the outfield players, and certainly don't get distracted by all the heart pointing and other idiotic gestures. Did I say how much I hate him? I really hate him! If he's the best keeper England have then they may as well go home now.

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