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Euro 2024

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2 hours ago, Lee909 said:


Only one player has pulled off the headband



I went to a stadium tour in Corinthians' stadium a while back, it was practically a Socrates museum. Rightly so, too.


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Are they hoping to catch fire in the knockouts like the Italians in 1982? That Italy side was shit in the group stage and Rossi looked like a pub player, but that all changed when they were put in a group with Brazil and Argentina. That Italy team could still defend properly though.


This England team do absolutely nothing that stretches their opponents, and their left is killing them because Foden doesn't want to hug the touchline, and Trippier can only pass it sideways or backwards. And the only Tardelli moment is likely to come from T-Rex after a camera save of a shot that's going well wide.

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