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The ‘Laurence Fox Takes An Online Kicking’ Thread

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He’s trying to extend the grift to the US. He was there recently posting pictures of himself at a gun range and tweeting about how we should loosen our gun laws. He’s also started posting about any-vax conspiracy theories, climate change and Christianity. Clearly the financials aren’t hitting the mark in the UK alone.

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8 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Giving a speech at the gammon rally today chatting shite about climate change etc 


I'd love to know who is funding him

He's a disposable and useful idiot mate. For whatever reason, he's read one page of the social and political manuscript of the ever changing vox populi and decided that it's something he will be seen as 'hero' for.

He will never, ever work again in serious or dramatic broadcasting on any channel, either terrestrial or subscription.

He's gone absolutely Brown Shirt in the hope that he will be remembered in perpetuity for something that will be forgotten in a few months when the next national crisis takes over and the idiots are fixated on a new reality series.

He will have been paid for now to rabble rouse, but, like Ernst Rohm, he will learn soon enough that if you sup with the Devil, you need a long spoon.

If you think he's a mess now, give it 6 months when he's utterly friendless.

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11 hours ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

He's a disposable and useful idiot mate. For whatever reason, he's read one page of the social and political manuscript of the ever changing vox populi and decided that it's something he will be seen as 'hero' for.

He will never, ever work again in serious or dramatic broadcasting on any channel, either terrestrial or subscription.

He's gone absolutely Brown Shirt in the hope that he will be remembered in perpetuity for something that will be forgotten in a few months when the next national crisis takes over and the idiots are fixated on a new reality series.

He will have been paid for now to rabble rouse, but, like Ernst Rohm, he will learn soon enough that if you sup with the Devil, you need a long spoon.

If you think he's a mess now, give it 6 months when he's utterly friendless.

I think he is clearly getting funded from someone to spout his nonsense 

Same with tommeh

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Even in the day and age of post truth, nobody knows what's real anymore, back the last idiot who spoke, populist, ephemeral lunacy, surely this fool can't think he's ever going to work again?


Now,  I know I'm insulated against the world by simply ignoring it, but even in this Idiocratic existence how do you make a comeback from what he's done over the last 5 years?

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6 hours ago, Toxteth O'Grady said:

Even in the day and age of post truth, nobody knows what's real anymore, back the last idiot who spoke, populist, ephemeral lunacy, surely this fool can't think he's ever going to work again?


Now,  I know I'm insulated against the world by simply ignoring it, but even in this Idiocratic existence how do you make a comeback from what he's done over the last 5 years?

In the words of Mr Weller 'This is the Modern World.'

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On 13/07/2024 at 22:12, Toxteth O'Grady said:

Even in the day and age of post truth, nobody knows what's real anymore, back the last idiot who spoke, populist, ephemeral lunacy, surely this fool can't think he's ever going to work again?


Now,  I know I'm insulated against the world by simply ignoring it, but even in this Idiocratic existence how do you make a comeback from what he's done over the last 5 years?

Maybe they'll do a sequel to The Hole, this time it's only his character that gets stuck in the hole and he never gets out, nobody notices he's missing.



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