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Man Utd (A) - Sun 7th Apr 2024 (3:30pm)


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Just now, waddy78 said:

Our midfield needed an overhaul this season it's our attack that needs fucking off come the summer

Once again, FSG won’t spend enough, and the consequences of that will be stark post-Klopp. A normal manager won’t have us competing with Arsenal if we don’t spend Arsenal money.

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I said to my lad at 1-1 if we don't take our chances we'll lose this and see what's happened big time fucking Charlie's who think they can keep on missing chance after chance and still fucking win I'd fine the fucking lot of them if we don't get the 3 points , which I very much doubt we will now 

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4 minutes ago, gkmacca said:

Frankly, if we can't cope against that team, we don't deserve the title. Plain and simple. Time and again we hand it to them on a plate. 

We are Arsenal of last season, as much as it pains me to say it. Great football but not the finished article.

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4 minutes ago, johnsusername said:


We've completely fallen apart.


Doesn't help that Salah has fallen off a cliff and Nunez is absolutely dogshit. 


To be fair to Nunez he only had 5 shots today when he usually averages 9 shots per goal in the PL.


Not enough chances combined with Utd being in the top half of the table it was never going to be easy for him.



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2 minutes ago, Carra_is_legend said:

We ain't getting fuck all from this game mate. We had the chances and we blew them. It's done.

I’m inclined to agree. For whatever reason, we just can’t do it when it counts against United under Ten-Hag. As much as we claim they’re shit, it’s one in in 5 and three losses against them.

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1 minute ago, Jairzinho said:

We're clearly not bottle jobs, all the late winners show we have both determination and the minerals. 


What we lack, bar a few players, is real intelligence and composure. Van Dijk and MacAllister have it in spades. 

We are bottlers. Not won a game against a top side all season.

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