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Gomez reflects on toughest period of career after suffering serious injury


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Joe Gomez has spoken about his overall pride in being recalled to an England squad for the first time in over three years.


The Liverpool defender has become one of the most versatile and dependable members of Jurgen Klopp’s squad this season, filling in across the back four and at times even in midfield.


With a number of senior departures last season Gomez is the longest serving  member of this squad, and the 26 year-old’s Liverpool’s journey has been littered with  euphoric highs and crippling lows.


International friendlies have a stigma of being somewhat unnecessary to the everyday fan, especially when you take into account the already overcrowding of the Football calendar.


But for someone like Gomez these upcoming fixtures against Brazil and Belgium hold a great deal of significance and satisfaction that is a true example of his mental strength. It was an accident at an England training session in November 2020 that saw his career cruelly halted once again  after previously overcoming  his share of injury setbacks.


An honest and raw Gomez spoke about what it meant to walk out onto that same training pitch where he sustained that season-ending knee tendon injury as the Mirror reported.




“Getting out in the warm-up (today) it was nice to close that chapter.


“It was the same pitch. We were doing an 11 v 11 when I got the injury. It was quite unique, it was a patella tendon rupture. I was by myself. I just went to play a pass. I planted my foot and then … it ruptured, it was quite gruesome. My kneecap was halfway up my leg. A lot of it is a blur because it was a bit painful.


“I left the training pitch in an ambulance. Leaving and not getting a chance to come back was tough to deal with.


“From that point, it was a massive part of my life, probably the hardest point in my career - just that moment because of how it happened. The last time I saw Gareth I was on the bed waiting for the ambulance. It was tough and it is a big part of my journey that I wouldn’t shy away from  because it has shaped me into who I am.


“I can always lean on it to keep perspective and see the positives. It’s definitely changed my application in terms of everything – recovery, gym work and so on. I’m at peace with what happened.”


There is every reason to think that the central defender by trade is having his best season of his career and while he wouldn’t say that for certain, Gomez is just enjoying playing a significant role in a successful side.


“ I’m really enjoying my football. Obviously we had a good phase at the club when we won the league and so on. But obviously this year has been different for me, playing in different places. It’s hard for me to judge. I was obviously younger and enjoying it then, playing centre-half mostly.


“I’m definitely enjoying it. It helps when the team is doing well and when we’re winning games – that plays a big part. Personally, I don’t know, I’m just appreciating the moment, I’m not really worrying about where I’ve been or where I’ve got to go, just being here now and embracing it is the main thing.”



He has been a player in the current Liverpool squad that you just want good fortune to come his way given his injury misfortune. And it seems that has finally occurred as Gomez is on the cusp of playing his most games in a season, a mark set in the 2019/ 20 season (43) and he is now just three appearances away from surpassing that.


One individual that the defender is forever grateful for is his manager, not only for making him a better player but a better person as well and always stating his case for higher honours too.


“I definitely didn’t ask him to do it (mention his name for a international recall).


“The gaffer at the club is the gaffer. He is one of a kind. I owe a lot to him. He has been probably the biggest influence on my career. It is nice to have that support from your manager. He has been a massive influence on me, not just as a player but as a person. It is special to play under him.”







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Interesting to see where he fits in, now that it looks like most of the squad is fit and we have fewer games. 

He’s been having a very good season, but I make him 4th choice at CB, 2nd choice at RB and 3rd choice at LB.

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1 hour ago, Kevin D said:

Interesting to see where he fits in, now that it looks like most of the squad is fit and we have fewer games. 

He’s been having a very good season, but I make him 4th choice at CB, 2nd choice at RB and 3rd choice at LB.

He’s in front of Kostas at LB, for me. 

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I think it depends on the balance of the side as to what rank fullback he is. With Bradley on the right, I'd have him ahead of Tsimikas, and arguably Robertson on the left, depending on the opposition. I think we're better with one marauding fullback and one steady Eddie. 


Similar on the right, but his right-footedness seems to suit him on the left, cutting in and making lateral movement, adding an extra body in the centre.


He's like a Milner figure, nobody's number one in a position, but vital nonetheless due to his adaptability and willingness to play any role.

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"The last time I saw Gareth I was on the bed waiting for the ambulance."


Interesting. So the England manager didn't go and bother seeing the player whose career was upended when representing England.


What a shock, the pizza selling, gormless looking, waistcoat wearing cunt. 

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On 21/03/2024 at 09:13, Kevin D said:

Interesting to see where he fits in, now that it looks like most of the squad is fit and we have fewer games. 

He’s been having a very good season, but I make him 4th choice at CB, 2nd choice at RB and 3rd choice at LB.


I'd have him first choice left back now on merit.


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1 hour ago, johnsusername said:

"The last time I saw Gareth I was on the bed waiting for the ambulance."


Interesting. So the England manager didn't go and bother seeing the player whose career was upended when representing England.


What a shock, the pizza selling, gormless looking, waistcoat wearing cunt. 

Can be difficult to find the time when you have to work a couple of days a week. 

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