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St John's Market

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Been closed by the council.


BBC News - Liverpool: St John's Market shut by council over unpaid rent


Sad news for the traders although I'm not clued up about the background.


My nan loved the place in the 80s, used to get her Bombay Mix from there. 


There was a butcher shop with half a pig's face on display and a robotic mini butcher that used to do a chopping motion with a meat cleaver - Chucky style.


In the 90s my mate swore by the blag Reebok classics from there too.

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2 hours ago, Fugitive said:

Used to love getting a bag of cockles from there when I was a kid. 

Fuck knows where Stig will buy his blag LA Gear Trainers from now.

I know I’m gutted. 

Also used to get cockles from there as a kid. Not enough vinegar in them. 

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11 minutes ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I got my only ever leather jacket from there as a teenager. Loved that jacket as well.

I got a tax rebate and bought a wolf Ieather and a box leather from there, 81ish. I went to buy a pair of Kickers from there at the same time but they didn't have my size in the colour I wanted so the fella tried to sell me some copies insisting they were great quality.

They were shite and he didn't like it when I told him so. Searchers or something.


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22 minutes ago, Harry's Lad said:

I got a tax rebate and bought a wolf Ieather and a box leather from there, 81ish. I went to buy a pair of Kickers from there at the same time but they didn't have my size in the colour I wanted so the fella tried to sell me some copies insisting they were great quality.

They were shite and he didn't like it when I told him so. Searchers or something.


I had those Searchers shoes too. They were alright to be fair,for school anyway.

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2 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

I got my only ever leather jacket from there as a teenager. Loved that jacket as well.

When I was 15 back in '91 my nan was very ill and didn't have long left, I would visit regularly with my folks and one day she gives me 200 quid to 'get myself something' as an early 16th birthday present. I remember that following weekend going St John's and getting a heavy 3/4 length LA Raiders hooded jacket for about half the money. 


Never did get myself something nice, sorry nan.

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In the 70/80's when it had the pubs and Top Rank club it was constant fighting white against black. 

Went in there at Christmas the day after I got back for a piss, 20p for a piss? Had to say to the 'bouncer' I didn't have any change. He let me have a free piss because that's how friendly we all are.

Think it was the law that Nans had to buy Bombay mix from there.


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21 hours ago, Pete said:

That's a shame.  Fond memories of it when we used to visit the Grandparents & they'd take us into the city centre. 

This. My nan lived just off Queens Drive, miles outside the city centre and i remember getting a bus into town with her and being amazed that the butcher in St. John's Market knew her by her first name! 

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I'm Irish so have only been a handful of times. 


But my lasting memory was the weekend of a Rafas first game, myself and the now wife where over for the game. 


On the Saturday morning with a stinking hangover we where having breakfast in a greasy spoon in the market


Some little oul lad, easily in his late 70's comes over to me and says 


"can I tell you a joke lad" 


I said of course 


He starts 


"2 Irish men where in a plane, and paddy says to mick. Eh mick, if this plane turns upside down, will we fall out? 


Mick replies, no paddy, we'll still be friends" 


I had a good laugh, he seemed delighted with himself, and he went on his merry way. 


Good times. 


Some dump though wasn't though it

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2 hours ago, chrisbonnie said:

I'm Irish so have only been a handful of times. 


But my lasting memory was the weekend of a Rafas first game, myself and the now wife where over for the game. 


On the Saturday morning with a stinking hangover we where having breakfast in a greasy spoon in the market


Some little oul lad, easily in his late 70's comes over to me and says 


"can I tell you a joke lad" 


I said of course 


He starts 


"2 Irish men where in a plane, and paddy says to mick. Eh mick, if this plane turns upside down, will we fall out? 


Mick replies, no paddy, we'll still be friends" 


I had a good laugh, he seemed delighted with himself, and he went on his merry way. 


Good times. 


Some dump though wasn't though it

Was it this one? This has just given me flashbacks to being a kid and getting a plate of chips when shopping with my Ma.




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