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Michael Edwards Return Confirmed

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28 minutes ago, Chris said:


In his book, Aldo describes a tiff with Marina and her saying "you won't be here for much longer anyway" and that coming to pass. I don't think he necessarily think she was behind him leaving, just that she had insight into Aldo not being in the plans with Rushy coming back. 

mmm whatever I know it different and John would have outscored Rush if he stayed still everyone has an opinion 

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1 hour ago, Lee909 said:


I hears people putting clubs forward. Bordeaux being one. A 6 time French champion becoming a feeder club who's aim is to produce talent for us would be disgraceful. Had yanks arguing with me that's its overdue and they have the minor leagues. Everything wrong with football imo

That sort of thing, getting a club like Bordeaux to be a satellite, would be bad PR as well. Their fans would go crazy and they have some crazy fans already.


Strasbourg fans are fuming about what Chelsea are doing.

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3 hours ago, VladimirIlyich said:

Losing Hansen and not getting an adequate long term replacement killed his team though.   Not forgetting momentous off field circumstances.

You’ve got to let these things go, Vlad.

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Just the way the game is going nowadays, not necessarily for the better either. If we are indeed going down the club portfolio route, I would rather a European club was NOT in the frame. It would make more sense from a scouting and recruitment perspective to choose places in South America and Africa, and maybe Asia. At a push, maybe a stake in an MLS and Liga MX club. Unlike with the City or Red Bull portfolios, the clubs in question need to retain their own identity.

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3 hours ago, Chris said:


I don't think we can convince ourselves of anything one way or another mate. The club are handling this with discretion as always. I think it'll probably be Xabi. Even if you remove the emotion from it all, Alonso stacks up in the metrics Edwards is married to anyway. And he wants, overall, to be successful. He's been at Liverpool long enough to understand the need for the holy trilogy to remain in place. 


I'm definitely not convinced of this. I don't know the fella obviously but I fear he'll think he's now top dog at the club, especially as it seems like FSG have begged him to return, so he's going to do it his way cos he's cleverer than everyone else. Isn't that why he left, had a hissy fit cos Klopp overruled him?

Anyway this is just my feeling, seems many others feel differently.

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1 minute ago, Moo said:


I'm definitely not convinced of this. I don't know the fella obviously but I fear he'll think he's now top dog at the club, especially as it seems like FSG have begged him to return, so he's going to do it his way cos he's cleverer than everyone else. Isn't that why he left, had a hissy fit cos Klopp overruled him?

Anyway this is just my feeling, seems many others feel differently.

If the ‘ overruling ‘ was giving a new contract to Henderson then Edward’s was right in this case.

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25 minutes ago, Trumo said:

Just the way the game is going nowadays, not necessarily for the better either. If we are indeed going down the club portfolio route, I would rather a European club was NOT in the frame. It would make more sense from a scouting and recruitment perspective to choose places in South America and Africa, and maybe Asia. At a push, maybe a stake in an MLS and Liga MX club. Unlike with the City or Red Bull portfolios, the clubs in question need to retain their own identity.


Thing is I think they'll want a European club so they can get work permits easier

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49 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

If the ‘ overruling ‘ was giving a new contract to Henderson then Edward’s was right in this case.


Doesn't really matter whether he was right or not, the issue is did he leave over it? If so it's a bit pathetic and perhaps indicates someone not happy taking the passenger seat even when you've got a once in a generation driver at the wheel.


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Klopps playing career was spent entirely at clubs that would now be considered "feeder clubs". It's unsurprising he's heading for the door, I can't imagine this shit sitting well with him. The idea that Mainz,  Strasbroug or Motherwell couldn't build something special over 20 years is unfathomable to any proper footballer fan. What's do football supporters have if the hope is removed?

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1 hour ago, Moo said:


I'm definitely not convinced of this. I don't know the fella obviously but I fear he'll think he's now top dog at the club, especially as it seems like FSG have begged him to return, so he's going to do it his way cos he's cleverer than everyone else. Isn't that why he left, had a hissy fit cos Klopp overruled him?

Anyway this is just my feeling, seems many others feel differently.

He left because he he didn't want to do the same job anymore after 10 years at the club. He wrote that himself in a public letter. If you want to believe a different reason, as some did when Klopp announced he was leaving, that's your prerogative.

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40 minutes ago, Moo said:


Doesn't really matter whether he was right or not, the issue is did he leave over it? If so it's a bit pathetic and perhaps indicates someone not happy taking the passenger seat even when you've got a once in a generation driver at the wheel.


Well he was right whether or not. 3 Stacks is right about what he said in his statement I was merely mentioning the Henderson contract as a point over his ability as Jurgen is not very often wrong.

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There was definitely some “things” going on, I read an interview with Ian Graham where he said it was his dream job but turned into a nightmare.

Could just be one of those things where people who work together get a bit fed up of each other after a long time. 

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3 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

I completely agree it's not a good thing for the game. But now they've let it happen, it's happening. Maybe some some help, guidance and money Bordeaux could become french champions again. Now that brings in a whole load of different problems, as with the red bull clubs in Europe. And even more weirdly, redbird have 10% or whatever in fsg, what if they threw their hand in with fsg and then all their clubs, including Milan end up in the fsg house? It's all a nightmare for the game down the line. 


Portugal would seem the obvious choice, looking at a smaller club that's looking to establish themselves in that second tier of teams below Sporting, Benfica and Porto that gives access to the South American market in a league with a high reputation for developing talent.


A team that can aim to consistently qualify for the  conference league/Europa League and occasionally disrupt the big three but is really looking to usurp Braga as the 4th team in Portugal.






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2 hours ago, Moo said:


Doesn't really matter whether he was right or not, the issue is did he leave over it? If so it's a bit pathetic and perhaps indicates someone not happy taking the passenger seat even when you've got a once in a generation driver at the wheel.


Or perhaps his drastic decision was due to the cataclysm magnitude of Jar Jar Henderroids shitness?

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3 hours ago, 3 Stacks said:

That sort of thing, getting a club like Bordeaux to be a satellite, would be bad PR as well. Their fans would go crazy and they have some crazy fans already.


Strasbourg fans are fuming about what Chelsea are doing.


Again there's good and bad ways to run multi-club ownership.


The good way is to run it as it's own entity and where prudent you'll see some cross over with the 'bigger' club (sharing of coaching resource, work at youth level etc) transfer/loaning of players should only be done where it's beneficial for both clubs and any transfers should be done at market value.


What you can't do is use clubs in your group to hide money, use them to sign players who'll never play for them but be loaned around teams in the group endlessly and have that team allowed to struggle ion order to prop up other clubs.


You can't buy a player like Savio for Troyes immediately loan him to PSV and then Girona while the club that 'technically' own him have no control over his use when he'd be one of their best players yet has never kicked a ball for them.

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11 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


Again there's good and bad ways to run multi-club ownership.


The good way is to run it as it's own entity and where prudent you'll see some cross over with the 'bigger' club (sharing of coaching resource, work at youth level etc) transfer/loaning of players should only be done where it's beneficial for both clubs and any transfers should be done at market value.


What you can't do is use clubs in your group to hide money, use them to sign players who'll never play for them but be loaned around teams in the group endlessly and have that team allowed to struggle ion order to prop up other clubs.


You can't buy a player like Savio for Troyes immediately loan him to PSV and then Girona while the club that 'technically' own him have no control over his use when he'd be one of their best players yet has never kicked a ball for them.

The Ultras at a big-ish French club would not care for this distinction.

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1 minute ago, 3 Stacks said:

The French Ultras will not care for this distinction.


They would if the club in question was successful in it's own right and treated as a distinct entity rather than just a holding pen for other peoples players which should be the aim of any MCO model.




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42 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:

What you can't do is use clubs in your group to hide money, use them to sign players who'll never play for them but be loaned around teams in the group endlessly and have that team allowed to struggle ion order to prop up other clubs.



Think you can tbh. 

That is why folks are doing it.

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13 hours ago, polymerpunkah said:

Top of the to-do list?


Re-sign VVD.


This won't be popular but I think one of the things that will infuriate our fans is going to be the fact that this is the exact kind of deal Edwards will NOT sanction.


I actually think one of the main falling out points with Klopp that led to him leaving was re-signing Henderson, wasn't it? It would have been hugely unpopular to let him walk that summer, but Edwards was ready to do so and then Klopp insisted on giving him an extension.


I would contend that history has borne out Edwards' instincts to be correct, but it's arguable. At any rate, I think we'll see VVD and Salah let go (not necessarily this summer) earlier than we would have under Klopp. "Let their legs go on someone else's pitch" and all that.

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4 minutes ago, Ne Moe Imya said:


This won't be popular but I think one of the things that will infuriate our fans is going to be the fact that this is the exact kind of deal Edwards will NOT sanction.


I actually think one of the main falling out points with Klopp that led to him leaving was re-signing Henderson, wasn't it? It would have been hugely unpopular to let him walk that summer, but Edwards was ready to do so and then Klopp insisted on giving him an extension.


I would contend that history has borne out Edwards' instincts to be correct, but it's arguable. At any rate, I think we'll see VVD and Salah let go (not necessarily this summer) earlier than we would have under Klopp. "Let their legs go on someone else's pitch" and all that.

Edward’s is a numbers man. Henderson was clearly on the wane whereas Virg is somewhat back to his best and the stats will back that up.


Not a chance we don’t offer him a new deal.

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