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Luton (H) - Wed 21st Feb 2024 (7:30pm)


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16 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

But we could register him, the same as if you take an out of contract player after the window. The reality the kids in the squad are probably better than spearing in his prime. 


The one shared with me earlier is
















That's more than good enough. Save Mo and Darwin for Wembley all being well.

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5 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

You'd hope so. But if gravenberch and Elliot are both down the right, they've both struggled together before. But with the squad the way it is, any win will do. 

Granted its not ideal but risking Darwin or Mo would be worse if not 100%, especially with our luck right now.


Let's face it, Luton are shit and have won 2 away games all season against one of the worst sides to play in this league and Sheff Utd. That side should be good enough and I'll be fucking pissed off if its not.


Time to start worrying about Gravenberch etc is Sunday.

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24 minutes ago, Smell The Glove said:

Granted its not ideal but risking Darwin or Mo would be worse if not 100%, especially with our luck right now.


Let's face it, Luton are shit and have won 2 away games all season against one of the worst sides to play in this league and Sheff Utd. That side should be good enough and I'll be fucking pissed off if its not.


Time to start worrying about Gravenberch etc is Sunday.

Nobody is twatting them though are they? Even away games they find a way to hang on in there. They're dangerous as they showed us at their place. If Nunez and Salah aren't fit, they shouldn't be on the bench..if they are, if we're fucked late on, use them. 

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7 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Nobody is twatting them though are they? Even away games they find a way to hang on in there. They're dangerous as they showed us at their place. If Nunez and Salah aren't fit, they shouldn't be on the bench..if they are, if we're fucked late on, use them. 

Hopefully Mo and Darwin are just slight injuries where you look at your fixtures and think gamble Luton and have them fit for the final. If that's the case that is defo what I would do. Hopefully they are on the bench in case of emergency but it appears they don't want to risk starting them. 


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