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Premier League Round Up (Feb 10-12 2024)

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Another pretty shitty weekend really but it never feels as bad when we win, so at least there’s that. Wasn’t great in terms of other results though, but I think we need to get used to that as it’s going to be like this most of the time now.


The Blues lost but that was the most nailed on result of the decade. City are going for a title, nothing takes priority over that if you’re a Blue, not even the looming prospect of relegation and possible end of days. As long as the Redshite aren’t winning titles.


Ok, it’s a little more complex than that these days since Everton were caught cheating. All of a sudden, they’ve gone from revelling in City’s financial doping to pointing and screaming “look at them, they’re cheating too, why are we getting punished?”.


Ask Evertonians if they want their ten points back but the condition is that City get the deduction instead and let’s see how they vote on that. Would be interesting.


They kept it tight for a while at the Etihad but at no point did I allow myself to hope. I wasn’t even paying any attention to it until John started running his mouth outside the chippy about how “City haven’t had a shot on target yet”. The rest of us all looked at him like he’d just announced that he’d voted Tory. “Why the fuck would you say that you jinxing cunt?”


Less than a minute had passed before he’s holding his hands up and accepting blame. It finished 2-0 with the blobfish getting both of them. There is no punishment severe enough to deal with these cunts.

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Its interesting the comments that you made about Moyes because I also believe that he has most probably taken them as far as he can take them. But what if; thats as far as west ham are meant to go. Therefore he is managing peak WHU?


Interesting that the other comparison to this also involves Moyes; as the same could be said for when he was at Everton. And now he left them to become the 'Chosen One' and we all know how that worked out for him. But the comparison is how has that worked out on the pitch for the Blues since?


So for those clubs who are mid table and flirt with the bottom level European competitions is it really that bad to just remain there? Picking up the odd cup here and there with no threat to relegation and continuing in the PL for the foreseeable?


If they do sack Moyes and they can go to the next level; fair play to them. They certainly have the fans; stadium and history to attract a bigger name. My only worry would be if it doesnt work out; how far back will a team of that calibre go?

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29 minutes ago, Fowlers God said:

Its interesting the comments that you made about Moyes because I also believe that he has most probably taken them as far as he can take them. But what if; thats as far as west ham are meant to go. Therefore he is managing peak WHU?


Interesting that the other comparison to this also involves Moyes; as the same could be said for when he was at Everton. And now he left them to become the 'Chosen One' and we all know how that worked out for him. But the comparison is how has that worked out on the pitch for the Blues since?


So for those clubs who are mid table and flirt with the bottom level European competitions is it really that bad to just remain there? Picking up the odd cup here and there with no threat to relegation and continuing in the PL for the foreseeable?


If they do sack Moyes and they can go to the next level; fair play to them. They certainly have the fans; stadium and history to attract a bigger name. My only worry would be if it doesnt work out; how far back will a team of that calibre go?

Ask Charlton what happened after they sacked Curbishley because he couldn’t repeat the miracle of finishing top six. 

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11 hours ago, Fowlers God said:

Its interesting the comments that you made about Moyes because I also believe that he has most probably taken them as far as he can take them. But what if; thats as far as west ham are meant to go. Therefore he is managing peak WHU?


Interesting that the other comparison to this also involves Moyes; as the same could be said for when he was at Everton. And now he left them to become the 'Chosen One' and we all know how that worked out for him. But the comparison is how has that worked out on the pitch for the Blues since?


So for those clubs who are mid table and flirt with the bottom level European competitions is it really that bad to just remain there? Picking up the odd cup here and there with no threat to relegation and continuing in the PL for the foreseeable?


If they do sack Moyes and they can go to the next level; fair play to them. They certainly have the fans; stadium and history to attract a bigger name. My only worry would be if it doesnt work out; how far back will a team of that calibre go?


It might be as far as they can go, but there's very little joy in it for them and I can see why some of their fans would want a change. The ones I've heard talking about it are not saying they want him out because they think they should be higher in the league, it's because they aren't enjoying the football.

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