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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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9 hours ago, Harry Squatter said:

Luis Alberto moving to Saudi for €11m. Liverpool get 25% of the fee which is around £2.3m. 



Now all we need is for someone to pay 65m for Solanke and that'll be 50% of our spend this summer!!

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1 hour ago, Binomial said:



Now all we need is for someone to pay 65m for Solanke and that'll be 50% of our spend this summer!!

I'm hoping Solanke stays at Bournemouth one more year before we bring him home.


I mean ideally we'd do it this summer right after we boot Darwin out the door, but we seem to be intent on giving him one more chance under Slot, unfortunately.

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21 minutes ago, joe_fishfish said:

I'm hoping Solanke stays at Bournemouth one more year before we bring him home.


I mean ideally we'd do it this summer right after we boot Darwin out the door, but we seem to be intent on giving him one more chance under Slot, unfortunately.

Nah you're alright. Darwin is 10x the player Solanke is.

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12 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

The echo reported last week Liverpool's cut was about half of that I think. Is it maybe 25% of profit? 

I'd say he's the most hated man in Boston. Seems like that sell on clause has been close to materialising every year for about a decade.

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Quote taken from article - "LFC are reportedly expected to submit an offer to Benfica for the 19-year-old in the coming days, in the knowledge that the Lisbon club will only sell the teenage holding midfielder if his release clause of €120m (£101m) is met."


Yep, can definitely see this 1 materialising.....

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18 minutes ago, Binomial said:

Quote taken from article - "LFC are reportedly expected to submit an offer to Benfica for the 19-year-old in the coming days, in the knowledge that the Lisbon club will only sell the teenage holding midfielder if his release clause of €120m (£101m) is met."


Yep, can definitely see this 1 materialising.....


16 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


Has a £100 million release clause....


I can't see us paying that for a midfielder considering the amount of midfielders we signed last summer. 

We bid more than that for a 21 year old last summer…


I think there is more chance we spend heavily on this lad than, say, Guimaraes.

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6 minutes ago, Scott_M said:


We bid more than that for a 21 year old last summer…


I think there is more chance we spend heavily on this lad than, say, Guimaraes.

Yeah and you expect me to believe that do you?


So we wait a season for Jude, hear he's available for £88m......decide against it and then bid £110m out the blue for someone we never even had as a target or wasn't first choice? How does that make sense. 

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