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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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58 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

It’s quiet all round. 


And TBF; thats the way it can stay. 


Edwards performs in the shadows like Bane and I want announcements out the blue. 


Not sad cunts on a forum watching planes take off. I want someone leaning every tuesday that we never even heard of until they have put pen to paper. 

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26 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


It's always been about a new deal. His dad's been talking up the move everytime someone spoke to Diaz he'd said he's happy. And in footballing terms he is underpaid at 55k a week. Adrian amd Tsmiskas earn more. Gakpo came in on more than double. 


I remember seeing that he was on 55k a week when we signed him but then raised it to 90k a week at some point.


There's absolutely no way that Adrian is on big wages either. I doubt he's on more than 30k a week now. We wouldn't renew a third choice keeper on 70k a week. He wouldn't even get half of that elsewhere!

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3 hours ago, El Dangerous said:

Sound, let’s sign Openda and give him a year to prove himself before we sign Sesko as his replacement next year. 


Arsenal are in for sesko, aren't they?

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48 minutes ago, joe_fishfish said:

Our wage bill is fucking ridiculous, it's over £400m a season now, mental. Wouldn't surprise me if Adrian was 70k a week.


How would that be possible? It would mean everyone is on 300k a week, excluding staff.

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3 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:

55k per week? That can't be right. The only places I've seen numbers like that are when they say our overall wage bill is something like £150m and clearly that's not true. Even if he's on a basic of 55, you can be sure he's pulling in 2 or 3 times that. 

What players are earning is all out in the open. If you only take the wages our of 23 man squad + the academy players then yes it's around the 150m for the year. Diaz is one of our lowest earners, then again he's 1 of few (besides the new signings) that haven't had a renewed contract.


Arsenal have 2 players who they signed from Portugal in Tavares and Veira on 40-50k a week, they pay next to nothing over there.

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44 minutes ago, Binomial said:

What players are earning is all out in the open. If you only take the wages our of 23 man squad + the academy players then yes it's around the 150m for the year. Diaz is one of our lowest earners, then again he's 1 of few (besides the new signings) that haven't had a renewed contract.


Arsenal have 2 players who they signed from Portugal in Tavares and Veira on 40-50k a week, they pay next to nothing over there.

We don't pay the first team squad 150m per year than another 250m on others.


What we pay players isn't in the open. It's all guess work. The only number that's in the open, is what's in the accounts and even that is questionable because nobody knows the exact detail of what is in and out of that number. 

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Think I saw him tentatively linked with us last summer. Anybody know anything?


I see he’s in the French squad for the Euros and his contract expires in 2025.


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47 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:

Chelsea have agreed personal terms with France Under-21 winger Michael Olise, 22, and are set to discuss scheduling payments to meet his release clause at Crystal Palace. 


He turned them down last year. I don't see him now deciding they're a better option than they were a year ago.

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13 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Think I saw him tentatively linked with us last summer. Anybody know anything?


I see he’s in the French squad for the Euros and his contract expires in 2025.


He is a decent player who is part of the national team now. You can put him in a very strong midfield and he will be fine, but he's not someone who stands out.

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35 minutes ago, dave u said:


He turned them down last year. I don't see him now deciding they're a better option than they were a year ago.

Isn’t he a fan and was in their academy set up? Dodgy attitude as well apparently. 

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Just now, lifetime fan said:

Isn’t he a fan and was in their academy set up? Dodgy attitude as well apparently. 


Rates Lampard over Gerrard which is reason enough to fuck him off.

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2 hours ago, TheHowieLama said:

Chelsea have agreed personal terms with France Under-21 winger Michael Olise, 22, and are set to discuss scheduling payments to meet his release clause at Crystal Palace. 


If there's one thing they need it's another winger!

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