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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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3 minutes ago, TD_LFC said:


It's not written as a scoop, it's a throw away piece of context in a paragraph about Anthony Gordon, buried in a larger article that's just summing up all the potential incomings and outgoings that's been clipped out and made to seem like a grand update by aggregators for clicks.


Articles and press conferences being piecemeal-ed out for clicks by faceless accounts is one of the worst parts of modern football.


Oh wow, do you think that's why Mr Doyle did the laughy face then?

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And people still think the other 2/3rds of our wage bill after the talents weighed in is to cover the ticket office staff, stewards and barmaids. 

Utd had Pogba and the rapist taking 500k a week and the rest of the squad were earning that much, none of our players would have got in their top 10 earners yet we still declared near enough the same as them. 


If they had to itemise the wage bill FSG would be finished with this fan base. These cunts are taking serious wedge out of us. Wish my accountant was this good tbf.


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16 minutes ago, Red74 said:

And people still think the other 2/3rds of our wage bill after the talents weighed in is to cover the ticket office staff, stewards and barmaids. 

Utd had Pogba and the rapist taking 500k a week and the rest of the squad were earning that much, none of our players would have got in their top 10 earners yet we still declared near enough the same as them. 


If they had to itemise the wage bill FSG would be finished with this fan base. These cunts are taking serious wedge out of us. Wish my accountant was this good tbf.



Most accounts breakdown directors separate to main staff (including staff numbers), and the wages are separate to social security costs which are separate to pension contributions (the figures above include everything as is normally reported).


Chelsea's breaks down as 352m wages and salaries, 49.8m social security costs, 1.7 m pension contributions across 827 staff (646 Admin and Commercial, 181 Playing staff and coaches).

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12 minutes ago, Red74 said:

And people still think the other 2/3rds of our wage bill after the talents weighed in is to cover the ticket office staff, stewards and barmaids. 

Utd had Pogba and the rapist taking 500k a week and the rest of the squad were earning that much, none of our players would have got in their top 10 earners yet we still declared near enough the same as them. 


If they had to itemise the wage bill FSG would be finished with this fan base. These cunts are taking serious wedge out of us. Wish my accountant was this good tbf.


They never itemise the wage bill but the well reported wages of the first team always used to be between £160m to £180m. The overall wage bill in the accounts of 2022-23 is £373m. The player wage bill was around £161m that season.  



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17 minutes ago, Red74 said:

And people still think the other 2/3rds of our wage bill after the talents weighed in is to cover the ticket office staff, stewards and barmaids. 

Utd had Pogba and the rapist taking 500k a week and the rest of the squad were earning that much, none of our players would have got in their top 10 earners yet we still declared near enough the same as them. 


If they had to itemise the wage bill FSG would be finished with this fan base. These cunts are taking serious wedge out of us. Wish my accountant was this good tbf.


You're gonna have to narrow that down a bit 

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Just now, Harry Squatter said:

They never itemise the wage bill but the well reported wages of the first team always used to be between £160m to £180m. The overall wage bill in the accounts of 2022-23 is £373m. The player wage bill was around £161m that season. 


Tends to be a scrape of available information from contract negotiations, news items etc


Salah's basic wage of 350k a week is probably closer to 380 most weeks when various bonuses kick in (appearance, win, goal etc etc) and higher again averaged out over the season when the bigger ticket bonuses are taken into account (reaching certain stages of competitions, league finish, trophies etc)

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7 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Rumours the Ginger Sulk is off to Brentford.

There was a weird tweet from ornstien earlier saying something like he's nearing an exit at 22m, making it sound pretty done. Then he goes on to say Brentford have an interest. What I took from that is he's doing Hughes' bidding to try and push one of the German sides to pay a bit more than they're currently offering. You'd have thought if Brentford had 20m to spend, they'd need some goals as toney seems to be off and his replacement is injured till next year. 

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It's pretty obvious that Salah,VVD and possibly Trent are off next summer.


Last time with Salah we were locked in negotiations for months and we finally agreed a new deal 12 months before his deal was due to run out. This time though we aren't even in negotiations with him. Same for VVD. Unsure about Trent, it feels like he is mulling over staying with us or going to Madrid.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

I greatly look forward to these transfer windows, where we can all sit back at the end of them and rejoice at how much money the club has made from selling players. Warms the cockles and gets me proper fired up for the football ahead. 

I know a Shankly quote when I read one.

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55 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:

It's pretty obvious that Salah,VVD and possibly Trent are off next summer.


Last time with Salah we were locked in negotiations for months and we finally agreed a new deal 12 months before his deal was due to run out. This time though we aren't even in negotiations with him. Same for VVD. Unsure about Trent, it feels like he is mulling over staying with us or going to Madrid.

Ye agree with that. In fairness to Trent you couldn’t argue with him leaving us in the summer to go to Madrid with the lack of ambition being shown by the club. 

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