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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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He's 2 years older than the Georgian keeper, has two years left on his deal, and has been available for clubs to buy for the last two summers.


Whatever our perceived lack of trust in him it seems to be shared by other clubs who don't see him as a viable No.1


It was only a season ago people were questioning whether he was good enough to be a No.2

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4 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

Barcelona are interested in Leao from Milan even though he's more expensive than Diaz and that they are skint. 


The normal bull shit from them they expect the player to kick up a stink and force a move


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3 hours ago, Binomial said:

Outgoings -;


Carvalho - 22.5m

Clark - 10m

Gomez - 35/40m

Sepp - 20m

Morton - 20m

+ 9m from Solanke clause.

+ 30m a year in wages off the books with Klopp, Thiago, Matip and Adrian leaving


Incomings -;


Some 15 year old kid from Chelsea on a free.


Might be wrong, but I don't think I've missed anyone else out here.


Could this be our biggest "net spend win" window yet?

We’re gonna win the transfer window… just not in the way we all would have preferred. 

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I greatly look forward to these transfer windows, where we can all sit back at the end of them and rejoice at how much money the club has made from selling players. Warms the cockles and gets me proper fired up for the football ahead. 

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8 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

Anyone do twitter to verify if Doyle has said this? 





It was probably said as part of a larger piece that, in context, makes sense but when the aggregators get hold of it they make it sound like a grand announcement.

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8 minutes ago, Pidge said:

Until Mo Salah signs a new contract, he'll still be on his current contract.


Whatta scoop!!!!


Also, until he turns 33, he'll be 32 years old.


It's not written as a scoop, it's a throw away piece of context in a paragraph about Anthony Gordon, buried in a larger article that's just summing up all the potential incomings and outgoings that's been clipped out and made to seem like a grand update by aggregators for clicks.


Articles and press conferences being piecemeal-ed out for clicks by faceless accounts is one of the worst parts of modern football, it means things like this;



Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain were strongly linked with Luis Diaz for several months, but Slot last week made clear he regards the winger as a key player for Liverpool this season.

That said, could Liverpool reignite their previous interest in Gordon? It's not beyond the realms of possibility with, as things stand, Mohamed Salah set to leave on a free transfer at the end of the season.





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