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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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3 hours ago, Pidge said:

One of my biggest concerns is that the onus on analytics means we're projecting team performance and they've decided we aren't competing so may as well let some contracts go to rebuild. 


Makes no sense with Trent, but might for Salah, Virgil and Allison. Hopefully not, would be a pathetic move, no place for that kind of US sport management in football as there's no guarantee of getting the talent back in. It would be every bit as stupid as Bo-Lee's mess at Chelsea.


I don't understand the plan for resale either, as it would only lead to a drop in value as we'd drop out of relevance to younger audiences pretty quickly.


How do you mean, you don't understand a plan for sale?


2 hours ago, No2 said:

I'll give FSG and JW his dues here, he quickly understood he knew nothing and never pretended otherwise. 


I don't get Wombles theory about reducing costs before a sale. It's not like it's discreet, hey look we've reduced costs by 7m per annum, yeah but you've sold assets worth 26m. The numbers are so small it wouldn't factor into any buyers decision making process. I reckon it's more likely to do with the loan rules, someone that is 19 now is the equivalent of a player with 18 months left in contract. Decision time has been brought forward.

I think if the kids thing was happening in isolation, I'd be inclined to agree with you - although club trained players are also exempt the same way as U21s are, so the limit isn't quite there in the way you say with them all, but certainly some - but back to the sales, it's them and the lack of signings and the lack of re-up for the players coming out of contract. Then chuck in just how many big salaries we've shed since they first started this looking at sale and it feels to me we're clearing decks. It's pretty much what most companies do coming into sale, reduce op-ex, increase EBITDA and illustrate revenues remain strong despite this. 

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1 minute ago, 3 Stacks said:

Not getting that keeper would be a disaster. It would be another thing we haven't crossed off that will come up in the next year or two.


Or the keeper is yet just another "look at us, we're doing something". The absolute first part of the discussion with him must have included him going on loan to Bournemouth till Ali goes. He's not coming here to be Ali's number 2, so I can't believe we get passed the first chat without "what's the plan here then?". 

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4 minutes ago, Barrington Womble said:

The impression given from Clark was he didn't want to go. That's what the black & white photo shit was about wasn't it? 


I've read since he does alot of photos in black and white so nothing in that.

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3 minutes ago, Spy Bee said:

We were supposed to interview a guy called Richard Hughes the other day. He never turned up for his interview! 

Probably spent 2 weeks contemplating which route would save him 2 miles on the clock only to back down at the last minute because he decided what he had was better.

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Deal just about done 25ml with add ons. I'm  guessing we got him closer to our value as we are leaving him there. There was supposedly about a 5ml difference, maybe leaving him there was the difference. Shame for Hughes not being able to sign players for his former club though. 


We are on to you agent Hughes. 


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4 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Read you can’t loan a player to another PL team if bought in the same window? 
Sorry if this has already been mentioned or is Horlicks.


The plan was for us to buy him with the deal for 2025, buy Valencia to loan him to Bournemouth to get round that. 

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