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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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17 minutes ago, 05 Milan said:

Spoke to someone that recently was sat next to Chelsea's yank CEO Chris Jurasek at a dinner. He has absolutely no clue about football, he didn't even know who Erik ten Hag was. Pure finance dude. Makes sense when you see how they operate these days.


The Mrs loves that Wrexham documentary but something never sits right with me about seeing American owners and their teams at footy matches, it always smacks of "day out at the zoo". 

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24 minutes ago, 05 Milan said:

Spoke to someone that recently was sat next to Chelsea's yank CEO Chris Jurasek at a dinner. He has absolutely no clue about football, he didn't even know who Erik ten Hag was. Pure finance dude. Makes sense when you see how they operate these days.

Does he even have a clue about finance ?

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14 minutes ago, Section_31 said:


The Mrs loves that Wrexham documentary but something never sits right with me about seeing American owners and their teams at footy matches, it always smacks of "day out at the zoo". 

Yeah, I really can’t be arsed with it. They probably didn’t even have an awareness of the sport until a few years ago. 

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1 hour ago, El Rojo said:

I think coming back onboard to get everything ready for a sale wouldn’t be in Gordon’s interest. I know his new role is different, but he had other offers at clubs who actually buy players. 

I’ve no reason to believe the Zubimendi move wasn’t sincere, though badly handled. Just get the next on the list in.


I’ll be shocked if we don’t bring in a couple of players, with Gomez going the other way. 

Any two from a centre half, a defensive/playmaking midfielder and Gordon. 

Michael Edwards you mean? 
Yeah would be a pretty short gig for him that.

Signs on to work as FSG head of football, then two weeks later FSG sell the football club.

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12 hours ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

He also stood out as a cunt, even by Chelsea standards.


14 hours ago, Lee909 said:


The strange thing is they are only signing him so Madrid have the money to buy Gallagher so they can put that down as profit in the books


All to do it again next year. 

Chelsea,Villa and Forest will all swap home grown players for inflated fees to balance books

Signing a 6 year deal FFS , cunt of a club.

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5 minutes ago, El Rojo said:

Yeah, I really can’t be arsed with it. They probably didn’t even have an awareness of the sport until a few years ago. 

I'll give FSG and JW his dues here, he quickly understood he knew nothing and never pretended otherwise. 


I don't get Wombles theory about reducing costs before a sale. It's not like it's discreet, hey look we've reduced costs by 7m per annum, yeah but you've sold assets worth 26m. The numbers are so small it wouldn't factor into any buyers decision making process. I reckon it's more likely to do with the loan rules, someone that is 19 now is the equivalent of a player with 18 months left in contract. Decision time has been brought forward.

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19 minutes ago, Jose Jones said:

Michael Edwards you mean? 
Yeah would be a pretty short gig for him that.

Signs on to work as FSG head of football, then two weeks later FSG sell the football club.


They're looking to own multiple clubs, though. They were in for Bordeaux and another Brazilian team I can't remember, so it's still an attractive job even if they do sell Liverpool. 


I don't know if that is what's happening, though. It seems to me something strange is going on, but we don't have enough information to put the pieces together. 

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25 minutes ago, Kevin D said:


They're looking to own multiple clubs, though. They were in for Bordeaux and another Brazilian team I can't remember, so it's still an attractive job even if they do sell Liverpool. 


I don't know if that is what's happening, though. It seems to me something strange is going on, but we don't have enough information to put the pieces together. 

Pretty sure they would not want multiple football clubs without Liverpool being one of them.

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According to the Swiss Ramble FSG haven't provided any funding to LFC for the last 5 years and out of the so called big six we are the only ones whove repayed money to the owners.


They probably just think they can keep getting away with being this self sustainable club with the CL money and a few more sponsorship deals as well as repaying money on the main stand. Just run it on a shoestring, pay your loan back to yourself and clear more profit eventually. 


The problem will be when we fall out the top 4 or there aren't anymore star players that excite foreign fans who can shift shirt sales. 

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56 minutes ago, Jose Jones said:

Michael Edwards you mean? 
Yeah would be a pretty short gig for him that.

Signs on to work as FSG head of football, then two weeks later FSG sell the football club.

But he’s been brought in to identify and oversee the buying of another football club. Maybe FSG fancy doing a Red Bull and selling us could allow them to buy a couple of lesser clubs and put a massive wedge towards buying the Celtics. Shit, they could buy Sporting Lisbon(in theory), a Brazilian club and a French club and still have a few billion left over.


Not that I think that’s what they’ll do, too much money down the line to be had by keeping hold of us. Especially seeing as they invest none of their own money, keep us relatively competitive and our value keeps going in one direction. Better to have us as collateral in the expansion of their sporting portfolio. Wankers.

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18 minutes ago, Harry Squatter said:

According to the Swiss Ramble FSG haven't provided any funding to LFC for the last 5 years and out of the so called big six we are the only ones whove repayed money to the owners.


They probably just think they can keep getting away with being this self sustainable club with the CL money and a few more sponsorship deals as well as repaying money on the main stand. Just run it on a shoestring, pay your loan back to yourself and clear more profit eventually. 


The problem will be when we fall out the top 4 or there aren't anymore star players that excite foreign fans who can shift shirt sales. 

They’re like Smaug in The Hobbit whenever anyone comes asking for money. Just lying on it all protecting it and making sure nobody else can access it. 


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2 hours ago, 05 Milan said:

Spoke to someone that recently was sat next to Chelsea's yank CEO Chris Jurasek at a dinner. He has absolutely no clue about football, he didn't even know who Erik ten Hag was. Pure finance dude. Makes sense when you see how they operate these days.


Probably thinks footy is like Pokemon the way they are collecting players. 

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1 hour ago, Section_31 said:


The Mrs loves that Wrexham documentary but something never sits right with me about seeing American owners and their teams at footy matches, it always smacks of "day out at the zoo". 


I've always found the way Americans follow sport and support teams a bit off. Can't put my finger on it. Always seems a bit OTT and fake. Maybe I'm wrong. 

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4 minutes ago, johnsusername said:


I've always found the way Americans follow sport and support teams a bit off. Can't put my finger on it. Always seems a bit OTT and fake. Maybe I'm wrong. 

Let’s go Liverpool,  let’s go! (Clap clap)

Let’s go Liverpool, let’s go! (Clap, clap)

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5 hours ago, Barrington Womble said:


I'm definitely not against selling young players - the academy's job is to produce lots of quality young players, where hopefully they go on to be good enough to play lots of games for the club. And if they don't, we have a duty (imo) to ensure they're equipped to have as good a career as their talent will take them elsewhere. So selling kids is definitely part of the story and it feels to me (and to the point @dave u has mentioned inglethorpe has said it's almost impossible to pick them), that it's a pure numbers game no matter how good your academy is. 


But what is starting to feel strange is how many of them were in the good bucket and they're suddenly in the see you later bucket. Surely this can't just be down to Slot's eye? Because I would expect us to more data dependent on these decisions. So I wonder what else has changed - there might be an agenda change, where they want to make calls earlier so we don't end up with some players for too many years, but when Edwards was last at the club, he seemed happy to give the lads lots of chances, with loan after loan. 

Tbh it could be as simple as some wanting to go for more guarantees of first team starts, would love to know tbh.

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44 minutes ago, johnsusername said:


I've always found the way Americans follow sport and support teams a bit off. Can't put my finger on it. Always seems a bit OTT and fake. Maybe I'm wrong. 

Still don't get how you can uproot a team from one city and plant it in another one miles away and expect people suddenly go to the games. 


Basically what MK Dons did. 

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2 hours ago, Section_31 said:


The Mrs loves that Wrexham documentary but something never sits right with me about seeing American owners and their teams at footy matches, it always smacks of "day out at the zoo". 

Zoo is actually a very good way to describe our town.

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