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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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6 minutes ago, 3 Stacks said:

Who else would have put that out there but his agent, though? Either wants a new deal or to leave.


They've wanted a new deal for a while. He's reportedly on about 55k a week. Gakpo,Jota and Darwin are on 130k plus and he's the only one of the 3 that plays each week. Tsmiskas is reportedly on 70k odd

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2 minutes ago, Lee909 said:


They've wanted a new deal for a while. He's reportedly on about 55k a week. Gakpo,Jota and Darwin are on 130k plus and he's the only one of the 3 that plays each week. Tsmiskas is reportedly on 70k odd


Diaz has still got three years left on his contract here. It won't even be on our radar to even think about giving him a new deal. 

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3 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


Diaz has still got three years left on his contract here. It won't even be on our radar to even think about giving him a new deal. 


It is a good point though and why he (or his agent, or his dad) are rattling their cages. He is grossly underpaid compared to the squad.

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4 minutes ago, Megadrive Man said:


Diaz has still got three years left on his contract here. It won't even be on our radar to even think about giving him a new deal. 

It would be on the radar if he had performed better.

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3 minutes ago, TheHowieLama said:


It is a good point though and why he (or his agent, or his dad) are rattling their cages. He is grossly underpaid compared to the squad.


Yeah he definitely should be on more than the rumoured 55 to 70k a week that he's on. 


He doesn't really have many options though as Barcelona have signed Olmo now. 

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1 minute ago, joe_fishfish said:

Barca try to shift Frenkie every window, wonder if his insane wage has anything to do with it?

Would be if they were actually paying it. He’s took one of those deferred baseball style contracts where he gets the bulk of it at the end of his contract. I can only imagine Barce will get their kids to answer the door and say they’re not in when he comes round to collect.

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On 10/08/2024 at 16:32, Creator Supreme said:

So Liverpool are letting all these squad players leave on loan or permanently and not bringing many if any to replace them.


It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how it works out for them.

This is the owners getting ready for a sale. Cut the wage bill, improve the bottom line , sell the club by Christmas. 

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