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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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1 hour ago, Barrington Womble said:

the key though is reading of the game. it is not a question of the ball coming into their zone - it is their reading of space and where the ball is likely to come and be in position and making their own zone. When Fab had legs he could do that very well and cover lots and lots of space, but over a spell of around 6 months, the amount of space he could cover just fell off a cliff. We went from a genuinely great 2nd ball team, to a counter attackers dream opposition in a heartbeat. Personally I do not think we have really solved that problem since. There was a spell after his midseason injury and endo was at the Asian cup, Macca was very good at it. But after Endo got his place back, Macca never seemed to be as successful in the moments he was in the 6 position. 


This is all likely to be a little different under slot as we'll play with two 6s, but i think from listening to some of the players talk about it, one of the 6's will have freedom to break forward and get in the box, so that will mean there is a ton of space for the one who sits to manage. For me that is the biggest problem to solve, not sticking in crunching tackles all over the place, but being effective of understanding how to compress space when we have the ball, so it is easy to cut off a counter when we lose it. 

This was one of Klopp's greatest strengths when he played against the elite in midfield. He never wanted gung ho, flying into tackles nonsense, he was a master at positioning and cutting off passing lanes. 

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56 minutes ago, dave u said:

Can't believe I logged in here and there's no Zubimendi Welcome to Liverpool thread. Standards are slipping.


Edit: You've been warned off by Johnny H? Seriously? Shitbags.



Im a force to be reckoned with. I get out of breath quickly, but by jazus those first 3 seconds are a whirlwind. 

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3 hours ago, joe_fishfish said:

The same guy is Xabi Alonso’s agent and look how that worked out.


Zubimendi is this year’s Lavia / Caicedo imo. Slot will be crawling back to Endo cap in hand on the first of September.

It seems to me you're saying Alonso will be out next manager. 

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