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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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2 hours ago, 3 Stacks said:

It's hilarious that it's emphasized from the start that Slot is a "Head Coach", yet he has to assess the squad before we can sign anyone.

Well it's obvious isn't it? If we don't sign anyone, Patsy Slot can take the wrap. By the time he assessed his squad, it was just too late to find the right players. 


It's absolutely nonsensical that he doesn't already know what needs adding to the squad. Today it's "wait till they're back from the USA". Then there's some players don't join till after that tour, so then it'll be "let's see what the players returning from international duty bring". Kick the can down the road, rinse and repeat. 

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6 hours ago, Megadrive Man said:


If they don't know what we need it makes a mockery of this idea that we are always planning multiple transfer windows ahead.


The way things are going, we are going to lose at least two of Trent, Mo and VVD in the next twelve months. It would be madness to allow all three of them to leave on a free next summer!


From being an incredibly well run club, we are now starting to look a bit clueless. 


We seem to let so many contracts run down. It's as if we don't mind players leaving on a free. Does it come down to the owners not wanting to pay big wages? Complacency? I just can't fathom how they can sit on their hands whilst these contracts tick down. Bizzare. 

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They’re making shedloads of money the way they’re conducting the clubs affairs, whether we like or disagree with it or not.


They’re businessmen, and very good ones too, look at the profit they’ve made on us up to now as well as their other operations.


If the profits stall, or plateau, they’ll probably put us up for sale and move on to the next thing.



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2 minutes ago, coachpotato said:

They’re making shedloads of money the way they’re conducting the clubs affairs, whether we like or disagree with it or not.


They’re businessmen, and very good ones too, look at the profit they’ve made on us up to now as well as their other operations.


If the profits stall, or plateau, they’ll probably put us up for sale and move on to the next thing.



They did put us up for sale, just nobody was biting for how much they wanted. 

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1 minute ago, Barrington Womble said:

They did put us up for sale, just nobody was biting for how much they wanted. 

Yes that’s true, but it’s not difficult to throw an unrealistic valuation out there knowing that if nobody bites, you’ll still be profitable, but if somebody does bite, then it’s too good to turn down. Win, win.

There’ll be a tipping point at which they’ll listen to reasonable offers, maybe if/when we ever fall far enough behind other clubs and out of the CL for any length of time, but while we’re in that we make their kind of money. 
I think they think they’re smart enough to not allow that to happen though.


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1 hour ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

The manager needs to take a look at the younger players and assess, the seasoned players he should already know. Been back in training for a fortnight all the younger players. They must have been ‘assessed’ already.

Wouldn’t surprise me if Slot wants the time in America and matches against better opposition before making a final judgement. 

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9 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Wouldn’t surprise me if Slot wants the time in America and matches against better opposition before making a final judgement. 

Possibly. It will clearly be the younger lads he wants a look at, we still need starters though.

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20 minutes ago, coachpotato said:

Yes that’s true, but it’s not difficult to throw an unrealistic valuation out there knowing that if nobody bites, you’ll still be profitable, but if somebody does bite, then it’s too good to turn down. Win, win.

There’ll be a tipping point at which they’ll listen to reasonable offers, maybe if/when we ever fall far enough behind other clubs and out of the CL for any length of time, but while we’re in that we make their kind of money. 
I think they think they’re smart enough to not allow that to happen though.



Yeah, I think they're expecting another jump in valuation at some point. An ESL or maybe some PPV on games not on telly. And they'll be thinking we can hang in for CL places regardless. Most seasons there'll be 5 sides in the CL from England. I think Italy and Germany overachieved last year. 


11 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Benitez wanted to assess the squad and then signed Xabi Alonso & Luis Garcia, who from memory, both did pretty well for us. 

I think we had been waiting on sales, owen was one for sure. We'd already spent that summers budget on cisse. And anyway, they were different times - I very much doubt benitez had access to training videos of the squad from the season before. Or endless scouting and data on players everywhere. Or a data team who'd want to tell him how to spend because they know best. He just wanted 2 lads he knew. Oh and josemi. 

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The more it goes on the more I could well believe it's at least part of the reason Klopp left.


"Sit there and develop Bobby Dunlop from the under 18s while we fuck around buying Bordeux."



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8 minutes ago, VERBAL DIARRHEA said:

Possibly. It will clearly be the younger lads he wants a look at, we still need starters though.

I don’t think we need much.


I do think we need a centre back so we can managing VVD’s minutes better & start succession planning.


A #6 should be a necessity but I don’t know who. The drop from Rodri & Rice to Endo is too steep. Maybe Bajectic can play a role, requires a leap of faith though.


Another attacker is always exciting, I’m not sure we need one. I’m not sold on Kubo at all. Apparently he’s been poor after Xmas and has only 1 goal & 1 assist in 2024, Doak or Gordon could offer that!

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