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Summer 2024 Transfer Thread


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4 minutes ago, Anubis said:

Hey Scott, my sauce is better than your sauce.



I fundamentally don’t believe Will Spearman’s cousin is tweeting about transfers. I’m sure all that data / transfer team have to sign NDA’s.

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27 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

I fundamentally don’t believe Will Spearman’s cousin is tweeting about transfers. I’m sure all that data / transfer team have to sign NDA’s.

Yeah that sounds like bollocks. I know a guy who worked in the analysis department at Liverpool for years and he never told me anything I couldn’t have found out from the media. Apart from which players were really sound (Wijnaldum) and which players were surprisingly really quiet and shy (Martin Skrtel, apparently).

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55 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Seem to remember some posters complaining we didn’t sign this guy last summer…



Seems a strange 1, rejected them last summer to sign for Villa, wasn't exactly short of game time and now he's off in a flash. Wonder what's gone on there.

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10 minutes ago, Binomial said:


Seems a strange 1, rejected them last summer to sign for Villa, wasn't exactly short of game time and now he's off in a flash. Wonder what's gone on there.


Villa need money and the Saudi's want to pay money for him.

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21 minutes ago, Binomial said:


What do Villa need the money for? They sold Luiz before the 1st July deadline.


That doesn't reset them to zero, and it could be P&S or cashflow or one eye on the new P&S/Anchoring rules (maybe DIaby fancies the massive wages, or maybe he fancies it on cultural/religious ground).


They've made about 20 million on the deal so that'll cover the Onana and Philogene with a bit to spare.





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Doubts over his injury record aside, it seems strange to sell a player with his quality in the season where you could well be playing champions league football.


Edit: I mean, Leverkusen haven't been the same since he left.

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Reports in Sports Newspaper in Japan, via France, were after Kubo…



According to Sponichi Liverpool in the Premier League is preparing an offer to acquire Japanese internationalTakefusa Kubo (2001) playing for Real Sociedad in La Liga. The offer would be €65 million for an annual salary of €15 million.



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49 minutes ago, Pidge said:



Edit: I mean, Leverkusen haven't been the same since he left.




20 minutes ago, Scott_M said:

Reports in Sports Newspaper in Japan, via France, were after Kubo…



According to Sponichi Liverpool in the Premier League is preparing an offer to acquire Japanese internationalTakefusa Kubo (2001) playing for Real Sociedad in La Liga. The offer would be €65 million for an annual salary of €15 million.





Another non scoring winger

We certainly have a type

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8 minutes ago, Babb'sBurstNad said:

I'd be fine with a non-scoring winger as long as they were, y'know, an actual winger, going down the wing and that.


Non-scoring wide forwards can fuck off.



Not sure to non scoring wingers and a 11 goal a season striker is going to do much more than maybe get you conference league though. We really do need to look at the forwards as we have lost so many goals from that area

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14 minutes ago, Lee909 said:

Not sure to non scoring wingers and a 11 goal a season striker is going to do much more than maybe get you conference league though. We really do need to look at the forwards as we have lost so many goals from that area


I think we need width. With width comes goals*


*I might've made that up.

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19 minutes ago, Lee909 said:



Not sure to non scoring wingers and a 11 goal a season striker is going to do much more than maybe get you conference league though. We really do need to look at the forwards as we have lost so many goals from that area

Have we though.


Salah is doing pretty much what Salah always does.


Nunez is roughly scoring at same level Firmino did and i'd say Diaz and Jota combined make about same contribution as Mane did.


And the overall amount of goals we scored in league last season was pretty much in line with the average over last 5 years.

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I remember last season that Irish John in France on the pod was keeping a tally of our front 5's scoring record up until like 5 games to go when we totally turned to shit

We seemed to be doing ok up until then 


Not that I'm against signing a Goal MachineTM

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8 hours ago, Scott_M said:

Reports in Sports Newspaper in Japan, via France, were after Kubo…



According to Sponichi Liverpool in the Premier League is preparing an offer to acquire Japanese internationalTakefusa Kubo (2001) playing for Real Sociedad in La Liga. The offer would be €65 million for an annual salary of €15 million.




Hey Stacksy lad...



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10 hours ago, Scott_M said:

I fundamentally don’t believe Will Spearman’s cousin is tweeting about transfers. I’m sure all that data / transfer team have to sign NDA’s.

Somebody squeals. Somebody always squeals.

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