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TLW Deathpool 2024

The Woolster

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24 minutes ago, Nelly-Szoboszlai said:

A few separate reports of him behaving erratically in the hotel lobby in the hours before his death and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Smashing up his laptop, allegedly.

I don’t like to jump to conclusions, but it could be a very tragic occurrence. 


Someone dying at a young age does tend to be fairly tragic.

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Just now, Section_31 said:

Madeley just did an amazing partridge on Good Morning Britain.


"It's like Icarus syndrome. You fly so close to the sun...and you get burned."


I'm convinced he's morphing into Alan Partridge. I never watch the cunt to be fair but anytime I accidentally catch him I just think he's pure Partridge. 

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1 hour ago, Lurtz said:


I'm convinced he's morphing into Alan Partridge. I never watch the cunt to be fair but anytime I accidentally catch him I just think he's pure Partridge. 

If you've ever met him, you'd say he pretty much is Alan Partdrige made real.  

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