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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished it.

Love the way nige goes from loveable family man to absolutely psychopath in the blink of an eye.

Franny is a loon.

That Ira fella was a scary fucker.

I actually thought that traveller lad played a good part.

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8 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Just finished it.

Love the way nige goes from loveable family man to absolutely psychopath in the blink of an eye.

Franny is a loon.

That Ira fella was a scary fucker.

I actually thought that traveller lad played a good part.


That traveller lad is somewhat typecast now, he's in a film called cardboard gangsters which is absolutely horrendous.

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10 hours ago, Arniepie said:

Just finished it.

Love the way nige goes from loveable family man to absolutely psychopath in the blink of an eye.

Franny is a loon.

That Ira fella was a scary fucker.

I actually thought that traveller lad played a good part.

Agreed on the traveller. That scene in the pub when he Nidge gives him 10k to settle the feud and he’s about to take it until Nidge cracks a joke with his kid. Then he just goes “keep the 10 grand to buy yourself a gravestone because I’m gonna fucking kill you” cold as fuck

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2 hours ago, Bjornebye said:

Agreed on the traveller. That scene in the pub when he Nidge gives him 10k to settle the feud and he’s about to take it until Nidge cracks a joke with his kid. Then he just goes “keep the 10 grand to buy yourself a gravestone because I’m gonna fucking kill you” cold as fuck

That was brilliant 

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5 hours ago, Elite said:

The more I think about this show, I find it hard to choose who is the best character between Nidge and Fran. Both great characters.


Same here. Think Nidge just edges it. 

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8 hours ago, Elite said:

The more I think about this show, I find it hard to choose who is the best character between Nidge and Fran. Both great characters.

If you would for a bevy with fran he would have about 3 fights

If you went with nidge,he would have someone killed.

Who is the younger lad in it? 

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19 minutes ago, Arniepie said:

If you would for a bevy with fran he would have about 3 fights

If you went with nidge,he would have someone killed.

Who is the younger lad in it? 

Robert Sheehan? Top actor him as well.

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21 hours ago, Elite said:

The more I think about this show, I find it hard to choose who is the best character between Nidge and Fran. Both great characters.

Nidge is a big red. Had a letter published in Shoot magazine pleading with Dalglish not to sell John Aldridge.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished this today, mental how it goes from being really pretty ropey in the first series to absolutely amazing from the second series onwards. Fran was a belting character.


Mary & Siobhan are both off the charts as well.

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