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1 hour ago, John102 said:

On the second series now. It has improved like. 


Nidge is probably the only one I'd go for a drink with.


I fucking wouldn't! You'd either end up dead or banged up for murder. Ya'know. 


59 minutes ago, Section_31 said:

The way they keep referring to "your man" without needing to explain which man they're talking about blows my mind.


"Just been to see your man there. Now I'm off to see your man. What about you? I'm off to see your man then I'll be having a word with your man about your man."


Are vee not men?


Hahahaha spot on. "What are you gonna do about yer man" "I'll sort it" 

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Finished it last night, thought it was excellent. Very, very different show at the end compared to the beginning. The early seasons were more like trainspotting and the latter like the wire lite. 


Apparent the grey haired copper was a serving copper and got bollocked for not telling his bosses he'd auditioned.

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1 minute ago, Elite said:


I must enquire WHY does it get better? Is it just the storyline developing etc or is the acting/camera/sound etc better? I hate the background music which gives everything away, too signposted. The casting seems a bit off too, these all seem like fairies.


I don't ask for much.

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5 minutes ago, TheSire said:

I must enquire WHY does it get better? Is it just the storyline developing etc or is the acting/camera/sound etc better? I hate the background music which gives everything away, too signposted. The casting seems a bit off too, these all seem like fairies.


I don't ask for much.

Character development, storylines, great dialogue. It's a fantastic show.

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1 hour ago, TheSire said:

I'll stick with it, the start feels a bit like it was filmed as part of an A Level project for Media Studies.

I thought the same. Im on the last episode of the second series and its definitely got better.


I still prefer Kin, but this is shaping up nicely. Nidge, continues to just stay the right side of lad id go for a drink with.

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Just now, John102 said:

I thought the same. Im on the last episode of the second series and its definitely got better.


I still prefer Kin, but this is shaping up nicely. Nidge, continues to just stay the right side of lad id go for a drink with.


Yeah Kin is much more slick, this is kind of street level stuff, reminds me of liverpool.

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On 21/01/2024 at 17:22, TheSire said:

I must enquire WHY does it get better? Is it just the storyline developing etc or is the acting/camera/sound etc better? I hate the background music which gives everything away, too signposted. The casting seems a bit off too, these all seem like fairies.


I don't ask for much.


It gets better mate trust me 


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39 minutes ago, Bjornebye said:


Nidges bird gets progressively sexier series by series. Still rough as old boots but you wouldn't boot her out your taxi when the light came on 


Oh deffo she's well worth one, Darren's sister is nice too. The way she responds to Luke is pretty much the way birds always used to respond to me.

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