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The 2024 General Election Thread


Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)   

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Do You Plan To Vote For? (Voters names not public)

    • Labour
    • Tory
    • Lib-Dems
    • Green
    • Reform
    • Other (Please State)
    • None, they can all fuck off
    • None - I'm not eligible to vote

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44 minutes ago, Champ said:

I can’t even get my head round your question.


I don’t understand why any reasonable adult would direct personal abuse towards anyone else or group of people.


 I’m reasonably politically engaged and I’m interested in the General Election so I’m drawn to the thread. It’s annoying and depressing to find it taken over by grown men  insulting each other

Woah woah woah Cath, grown men?


Overgrown kids if you don't mind!

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41 minutes ago, sir roger said:


The BBC one on Frisay with Rayner, Mordaunt, Farage, Cooper, Denyer, Flynn and Ap Iorwerth might be a bit more interesting, but it is only 90 minutes long and they'll probably all just end up shouting over each other. I think they need to mute the other microphones when somebody is speaking.

Or all the microphones and ask all the participants to communicate their messages via the medium of dance. 

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2 minutes ago, YorkshireRed said:

Or all the microphones and ask all the participants to communicate their messages via the medium of dance. 

Theresa May tried that 

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Slightly different subject,  but I guess it comes from the same place. I always remember when we were first doing the spirit of shankly stuff, we asked a few of these reporters why they only interviewed dickheads and wools outside anfield, there were konsane Scouse voices. Why couldn't they find normal people. Their reply was, they're either not there or don't want to talk to us. We don't want to interview those dickheads either. So, when that campaign progressed, if there was something say SSN wanted to report on and normally they'd find randoms outside anfield or the club shop in town, they'd let us know where they'd be and when. We could then let others know to get there and some sane voices could be broadcast. But it did take organisation to do it. I imagine these political ones we see today don't really have any of that, the reporters just turn up and talk to the people who will talk to them. 

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I was a pox on the vox during the Johnson nonsense. Sky News stopped me in Glossop and I said quite a bit but they only broadcast the part where I laughed and said 'it's ridiculous, he's an idiot, get rid of him' which was the basic gist of it I suppose.

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21 minutes ago, an tha said:

Last time round, there were normal functioning adults where I work, expressing surprise that they didn't have the names Corbyn and Johnson on their ballot papers.

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10 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

Last time round, there were normal functioning adults where I work, expressing surprise that they didn't have the names Corbyn and Johnson on their ballot papers.

And every vote is equal....

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25 minutes ago, an tha said:

And every vote is equal....

The weird thing is, though, the way our media and political parties present these campaigns, it's not that unreasonable to expect the leaders' names on the ballot.


(Personally, I'd prefer directly elected Prime Ministers... but that's another story.)

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6 minutes ago, AngryOfTuebrook said:

The weird thing is, though, the way our media and political parties present these campaigns, it's not that unreasonable to expect the leaders' names on the ballot.


(Personally, I'd prefer directly elected Prime Ministers... but that's another story.)


No way. If we had a US style presidential election, we'd definitely end up with someone like Farage in charge (or, knowing this country, Paul fucking Chuckle). I'd rather our politicians did it for a living and had an actual handle on their briefs, than some populist nutcase.

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